
I'm having a serious wasp problem?!

by  |  earlier

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There's wasps all over the place!

They're in my house in my garden. Is there any I can get rid of them?

Or find there nest or something!




  1. catch one, tie it to a chair, shine a bright light at it and torment it until it tells you where the nest is!

  2. As you said their are a lot of wasps you will probably have a nest nearby. Try to follow where the wasps come from and go to and locate their nest ! Wasps are more active the hotter the day is so a cool time in the evening may be safer !

    Having found where they have made their nest you can buy some wasp nest destroyer from a local hardware store , its may come as a talc like powder or an aerosol foam. If powder dust the area around the nest entrance at night when they are asleep - if you can see the nest in a tree you can spray the foam from a distance - it shoots 25 feet or so in a jet so you can keep at a safe distance from the nest- make sure your not underneath it .

    Keep all windows and doors closed and keep away for a week or so as they will be angry before they all die. You may need to reapply the treatment if they do not die off quickly.

    PS petrol kills wasps ( petrol fumes from a damp rag if it is a difficult area to dust - but be careful petrol is flammable so don't burn your house down in the process !)

    Be careful.

    If you think you are in over your head call the council who will have a pest control officer.

  3. Don't try to deal with a wasps nest yourself - its very dangerous. It would be best to get a pest control company.

    Try phoning your Local Council as they may deal with it for a fee.  

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