
I'm having a slumber party.

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My mom told me that I should invite 5 people .I already did but I want to invite my best friend Olivia.What should I do?




  1. Surely your mother will understand, simply ask her if its okay for one more friend to come over. How could she possibly refuse ?

    Worst case scenario, if your mother says no, you have already invite enough people, you could always tell Olivia that your extremely sorry and promise to do something together to make up for it.

    Again, like I said Im sure your mother will be understanding and allow Olivia to come too, good luck to you !

  2. olivia should have been the first person who you wrote and invite to!

  3. ask olivia to come anyway then say one of those other 5 girls invited herself over and yuo felt bad so you said she could come pick one she doesnt no very well or at all lol hope i helped

  4. ask if you can invite just one more person, if not either replace someone or see if someone cannot come

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