
I'm having a vegetarian picnic; any ideas? Something relatively easy would be cool.?

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A main dish, like a pita or sandwich idea, would be great but any ideas are welcome.




  1. Potato salad, couscous&chickpea salad (like this one for example:  ), quiche (tastes great cold too), Greek salad, pasta salad, pita bread or wraps with falafels & vegetables...

  2. cauliflower, broccolli, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes all cut up and dipped in ranch dressing, yummy, yummy, its so good.

  3. Fruit salad.

    Pita sandwich (2 links below)

    Bottle of wine.

  4. Chop tomatoes, salad cucumbers, and mozzarella cheese into small, bite size pieces. Mix with a little balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Add some fresh chopped basil. Put on tortillas.

    Don't use too much oil and vinegar or else they will drip too much. Bring napkins.

  5. I would. say bring a bunch of stuff so people could make their own. But here are some ideas. Pita with hummus and vegetables, peanut butter and banana sandwiches, fake chicken salad sandwiches ( ) or with crackers, fruits, tomato; lettuce; red pepper; and dressing/sauce of choice, pita pizzas (my favorite- tomato sauce and vegan or regular shredded mozzarella... i don't heat them and they taste great), potato salad (with vegan mayonnaise).... the possibilities are endless.

       I say bring a loaf of bread, a couple pitas, a package of  flour or flavored tortilla wraps and alot of filling (like the ones mentioned). You might want to bring peanut butter, jelly, different vegetables, dressings, different mock meats (deli slices).....

       Hope I helped you.

  6. I'd start off with veggies and dip, you can't go wrong with that! Then make a few different salads like Asian, Cesar, and fruit. You could also get pitas and hummus along with some fruit, comdiments, and whatever else would be good to make like a pita sandwhich.

    Best of luck!

    ~ Natalie

  7. Whole wheat pasta salad loaded with bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and onions..just mix with your favorite dressing.

    Whole wheat mini pitas cut into triangles with roasted red pepper hummus.

  8. take large portabello mushrooms and lightly sautee them in olive oil, garlic. parmesean cheese, and salt and pepper. then put them in a container and let them cool. in same pan sautee some red peppers. put them in container and let them cool. i like to this the night before this wasy the mushrooms really take on the flavors. to construct sandwich use a thick bread, like focaccia. then put a layer of basil leaves, a layer of fresh mozz, then drizzle a little blasamic ving. and olive oil then add mushroom then add the red peppers.  i'm telling you this sandwich is killer people love it. even none vegetarians love it!!!  you could also add pesto if you'd like i do that sometimes too. good lcuk!!!

  9. Potatoe salad, salad, umm pita bread filled with chhese and other veggies and then grilled, mmm so good.

  10. Get some leaf lettuce, tomato, cucumber, onions, olives, bell pepper, shredded carrots, cucumber - or other veggies if you like them better - and make a mini sub sandwich - or put them in a pita.  Maybe a small container of Italian dressing to pour over it if you so desire.

    Take some pickles - maybe some chips (picnic isn't an every day event once in awhile won't hurt - and no cleanup).

    Some fruit - bananas, apples, grapes - whatever fruit that you like.

    Take some bottled drinks of what ever it is that you like to drink.

    Easy - and very little trash or mess to have to clean up after.

    The best picnics that I have been to - are the ones that I didn't have much to clean up after.  :)

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