For about the last couple weeks, every morning when I get up, my face is very puffy (swollen) and throughout the day, my breathing gets harder and harder. It feels as though I'm being choked and my chest feels very tight. By the end of the day my legs and hands are swollen as well. My breathing gets better if I stand up or walk around. Gets really tight and hard to breath when I sit or lay down. I have been to two different doctors now- the first one said I was dealing with allergies (outside) and that it was an unusually wet season. He gave my a steroid nose spray, Benedryl, and Amoxicillan. Things seemed to get worse, so I went to a different doctor. The second one wasn't sure what was going on- my oxygen levels were a little low, my blood pressure was a little high, he saw the swelling-- gave me 2 weeks worth of Prednisone (steroids), they don't seem to be phasing it either. I am a fairly healthy 25 year old mother and have never had issues like this before. Any ideas what could be going on?