
I'm having difficulty choosing a country?

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im in high school, and i've pretty much set high hopes for going parents are thrilled with the idea.

For some reason..south america doesn't appeal to me although i heard they are so hospitable and friendly..and i've been studying spanish for several years. but if you can suggest a country there then i might consider it.

As for Europe, it just seems like a good place to visit or live when i'm older. Africa scares the c**p out of me, so I guess I am sort of leaning towards Asia or oceania

these are a few countries that stand out to me:

Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Japan, Taiwan, Denmark (apparently i am of royal blood according to my mum?)

Which would be the easiest in transitioning to? What is the easiest language to pick up on? Have you lived in these countries? Could you advise me?




  1. I completely agree to everything you just said! Well just about. I would love to go to South America, but something about it, makes me not want to go. Not sure what though. But it's still an option for me. I was really considering Paraguay and Costa Rica for an exchange through AFS. If I could suggest a country to you in South America, then defintely Paraguay, Costa Rica, Brazil or Chile.

    With Europe, I would LOVE to go there! But that is the most popular area for exchange. Although there are quite a few countries, that aren't so popular with exchange there. And Spain, it's really not as popular as you might think. Countries I would suggest that are in Europe are The Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland and Belgium. Spain is also a good choice, if you would like to continue your spanish study.

    Africa scares me alot too, so your not the only one.

    Asia, you will defintely get a real cultural experience there, since it's so different from the US. (Although Asia doesn't appeal to me that much).

    Your countries you mentioned:

    Italy- That is definitely the most popular destination for an exchange. You mentioned you didn't want to go somewhere to popular, and Italy is one of the countries.

    Portugal- It's a beautiful country. They speak Portuguese, I from what I've heard it's close to Spanish.

    Sweden- It's the cleanest country in the world. Lol. But it's awesome for exchange. But if you aren't used to the cold... then it might be too much for you.

    Denmark- I've thought about going there, but everyone speaks english there, and when I go on an exchange I want to be somewhere where I can REALLY learn a new language.

    For further referance you should go to:

    To me AFS, is one of the best exchange program, and I am currently applying to go through them.

    If you need anymore help or advice feel free to email me. :D

  2. Darlin', I lived in Spain, and it was the BEST!!  I wouldn't trade that year for ANYTHING!  If you have been studying Spanish, and South America doesn't appeal, then Spain should be the next choice.  

    It isn't cheap anywhere in Europe, these days, so that isn't really a situation you should look at, though I'm sure you are right about Japan.  It has always seemed so to me.  If you're really bent on Asia, look at Vietnam, Korea, is China possible?  If you are interested in learning languages, Mandarin is supposedly the next big, popular thing.  Get a head start.

  3. Try checking out this website because it offers a variety of great programs. I am an alumni of the program. I have visited Costa Rica, South Korea, Japan, and I am aiming for Greece this summer.

  4. Go to Spain I did a project on Spain and it's awesome sooo pretty.!!!!!!!!!!

  5. if you speak spanish and you dont want to go to spain but you want an easy language...i would definatley suggest italy. dont live in a city though.

  6. I'm going to have to recommend Spain.  I don't know why you've overlooked it, but it's a great place to live and going there would give you a chance to develop true fluency in Spanish, which would be of great benefit to you later in life.

  7. hmm seems like ur in a similar situation to me sorta

    well....since u've narrowed it down to two countries and one country that everyone keeps nagging about

    Japan-yes very spendy, huge culture shock, very busy and organized, manners are super important, school is hard as ****, ull prolly either stand out enormously or be ignored by fellow japanese students, will be the hardest to transition to and to pick up on their language

    portugal- i dont know much about portugal, seems sweet though

    spain- will be the easiest to go to, but its rich in culture, and i guess people love it (this isnt one of the ones u want but w/e)

  8. i have traveled alot and i would say demark or sweden...spain isnt that great, been there...and japaneese is the hardest language to pick up and u would feel completely out of place in an asian country

  9. My experience is that to experience only one foreign country is not enough.  It doesn't provide you enough comparison points.  I'll suggest to check out a county in Europe and one in an other continent.  I had the chance to live in several of them.  I liked France and Japan, but I know of other people that liked other countries.  I really didn't like when I was in Germany, but I found a girfriend there .....

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