Okay. So I'm a very creative person. I pride myself on doing extremely well academically and I am going to be a senior in high school next month. Lately I have been stressing about money since the economy has been declining rapidly lately. I have always put a lot of thought into my career path but recently have been thinking about it a lot more. I have a few options that I know that I would just fall in love with, but I am curious as to which you think would get me the farthest in life. ($$ wise and also which would have more growth potential) I will list the few that I am very interested in below.
Keep in mind, I live in Maine!!!!! :)
1. Getting a business management degree with a pastry chef minor and owning my own catering business. (Do any of you own your own catering business? If so, tips please!!!!)
2. Getting certified as a wedding planner. I live in Maine and weddings are very popular here in the Summer so I figured if this was my career goal that I would also get a degree to teach kindergarten or 1st grade and be a wedding planner during the summer.
3. Getting a business management degree and getting my certification as an interior decorator and "flipping houses"
If any of you can put together a super job with these above 3 choices or have any other choices I would really appreciate it! Thanks so much you guys. You're awesome!