When I had this issue about 3 years ago, my doctor put me on lexapro. I also had the other "classic" symptoms of depression, including hopelessness, inability to concentrate, loss of love for everything, etc. I was doing great for 3 yrs. on lexapro, and had weaned myself off for the most part just recently. After 2 weeks of going off lexapro though, I got the same symptoms that I had before...Not being able to "see" things. It's not that my vision is bad, it's just that I can't seem to ignore the peripheral stuff...my eyes just wander wander wander...It makes me feel like my eyes aren't focusing or something...It's not that I can't see straight, it's just...does anyone understand what I'm talking about here? I am back on the lexapro and things are getting a little better, but the focusing this is still hard. It went away while on lexapro, but it took a while.
What I want to know is, has anyone else experienced this focus issue with lexapro?
What I DON'T want to know is, if this is normal. Because I've gone through this before, I don't need to be told to go to the ophthalmologist, doctor (I've done all of those) or get a cat scan (done that too). I just would like some solidarity, I guess.