
I'm having dreams of people breaking in to my house?

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i know that i have had several dreams of people breaking in to my house but the most recent one that i had really scared me.

i was in a house with my mother... it wasnt mine. i was going to bed when i heard noises and i realized someone was trying to break in. i went into my mom's room and told her. she called the police and i went to hide in her closet. then i heard the intruder fighting with my mom... she was screaming. and then i saw his face. then i woke up.

i've been having dreams of people breaking in alot... they are always different in some way. sometimes im by myself or im with my family.

but these dreams are starting to scare me.

does anyone know what they mean?




  1. Could it be that you have been having concern with such things in your waking life.  You might be feeling some sort of helplessness on something. It can also mean that you feel like your private life is being disturbed or even just your privacy. Don't be paranoid, but do pay attention to your surrounding. Don't be scared of it. As you get used to paying attention, you will feel some sort of control, and you'll be less scared or not at all.

  2. When dreaming of someone breaking into  your house, that may imply two things.

    1. Insecurity - You are feeling insecure in some aspect of life. In your subconscious mind, you projected the image of someone breaking into your house to tell you that you are feeling lack of control and security

    2. Privacy Invasion - Perhaps, lately  you are feeling your privacy being invaded somehow. Somehow it translates into house breaking in dream.  Basically that suggests that your privacy may be invaded in reality.

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