
I'm having friends spend the night for my 13th b-day and idk what to do at my house!!! Help

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We r going to the spa and then coming back to my house but what should we do??? Movies and what else??? remember we're not little kids, we're 12 and 13.




  1. hey

    so i thought i could help you a little bit since i help plan parties and i completely understand what its like for people to give u lame ideas so here is a good one.

    1.After you get back from the spa order some pizza get some soda and just hang out and chat. after that u guys could listen to some music read some magazines talk about whatever and just have fun.then you could watch some horror movies and eat junk food and laugh at the scary parts.then at midnight start a game of truth or dare.for party favours don't do something lame like gummy bears and hair bows what about make each of them a cd with like ten awesome songs on it.

    2.depending on what time of year it is and where u live you could go to a beach suntan and swim(and talk about cute guys).then u could go out for supper at a cool place. and then go back and watch movies eat junk food all that stuff.

    Hope i helped :)

  2. you can tell scary stories. and assuming your a girl you could talk about your boyfriends or who you like and play truth or dare and stuff like that. that's what I usually do at my friends house.  

  3. After you guys get back from the spa, go rent a bunch of scary or romantic movies you haven't seen, and order a pizza! That will take up a lot of time and then when your tired of watcheing movies play Truth or Dare, Makeovers(may sound childish but its always fun!) Go outside and play flashlight tag on your street when it starts to get a little dark outside! Things will just fall into place and you guys will just figure out stuff to do on your own! Hope I helped (:

  4. well going boilling and out to the movies is fun, or a skating rink. Since you are girls  you can check out some of the hotties. When your at your house rent some movies you guy have never scnene and have fun with snacks, makeup, if you have a pool thats fun to. Just have fun, cause if your friends it really dosnt matter cause when your together it should be naturally fun.

  5. im thirteen and i personally would suggest watching a scary movie

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