
I'm having horrible abdominal pain PLEASE HELP?

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okay for about 3days i've had a fever and some pain in my back like where i think my kidneys are. now it's really bad i think i'm either going to cry or puke the pain is so bad. i'm also exhausted. and sometimes the pain get's soo bad i get dizzy.

15 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

Additional Details

14 minutes ago

p.s. i've been taking some amoxicilin' i had in my cabinet but not helping

1 minute ago

i haven't had any bathroom problems except having to go more often but no pain or anything




  1. sounds like apendicitis.  go to the er as soon as you can befor it ruptures....or you will be in deep trouble

  2. CALL UR DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY! or go to the hospital!

  3. go to the doctors.

  4. Appendicitis is not the issue: you don't suffer for three days.

    But, since you have a fever and your kidney's are sore...kidney problems for sure.

    Your mom should be more sensitive and be responsible as a parent and take you to the doctor (or the ER). Your kidneys will get damaged if your mom doesn't take you to urgent care immediately.

  5. Oh my god! sounds to me like your mother doesnt really care, i know i have a mother like that. But if you were my daughter i dont care if i had no money at all and was 100,000,000,000 dollars in debt if your in pain and not feeling well i would do what i could to fix it and find out what was going on. good luck! ♥

  6. Ok. Heres the thing. It could be something as simple as bad period pain (yes it can be THAT bad) or it could be something as bad as appendicitis or something to do with your kidneys because of your need to go more often. Either way, because it has been ongoing for 3 days, you should seek medical help. If your mother is that unconcerned for your welfare you need to report her. Its as simple as that. Would you rather live or die? Im sure your mother would rather pay the medical bill than the funeral bill. I know, a bit blunt, and probably wrong. BUT...


    Further information about Abdominal pain is below, or review more specific information about these types of Abdominal pain: stomach cramps, stomach ache, abdominal discomfort, heartburn, upper abdominal pain, kidney pain, liver pain, biliary colic or other types.

    Abdominal pain causes can range from extremely severe life-threatening conditions (e.g. acute appendicitis, abdominal aneurysm), to various less serious conditions (e.g., heartburn, reflux, gastroenteritis, etc.) Any symptom of abdominal pain needs prompt professional medical advice. Sudden and/or very severe abdominal pain should be treated as a medical emergency.  

  7. You need to see a doctor and now. The fact that you have a fever is a sign all in its self that something is not right.

    I have had kidney stones before but my pain was only in my back, not in the stomach.

    Although, I know apendics can cause severe abdominal pain, and back pain.

    Please go to the doctor ASAP, and they will get some tests done. Blood work...xray.,....Do NOT wait, if something is wrong you will make it worse by doing nothing.

    Takle Care

  8. go to the doctor

  9. mebbe u should go 2 a doctor?

  10. Even going more often may indicate a urinary or kidney infection  I would see a doctor immediately, especially with the presence of a fever.  Although you are taking an antibiotic already, the doctor will be able to 1. diagnose you correctly, and 2. give you an antibiotic that works best for your condition.

  11. sounds like your appendix

    go to the doctor IMMEDIATLEY

  12. What is wrong with you? Goto a doctor!

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