
I'm having intense maternal urges at 13 years old. HELP.?

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I really want to have a baby, but I know I can't take care of it. How can I make the maternal urges less overwhelming.

Are they like horomones or something??

Please Help.

Don't answer if your only gonna be a d*ck.





  1. Um...are you sexually active?

    I guess its normal to some extent but realize there is no rush for it the time will come naturally. Get a education and find the love your life should come before having childern. Funny im 15 and I'm the opposite, I cant stand little kids lol...

  2. I don't think it's very normal. Just think of this:

    You want to go out with your friends but you can't because of your baby.

    You try to study but your baby is bugging you.

    You're too young to be thinking about that. Everything in life comes. Just wait for it. You won't enjoy your baby unless you're the right age for one--trust me.

  3. u keep posting this question. but again. u might want to talk to someone close about this. im not tha one to say this is normal or it isnt. but u should try babysitting more. but please dont get pregnant so young. youre not ready and it would be bad if u realized that a lil too late.   theres a show called baby borrowers. watch it [or if u alredy have then idk wat to tell u]

  4. Well, all I'm going to say is, having a baby at your age is not as good as you think it is.

    My brother's girlfriend is 17 and is pregnant.

    I'm not going to say anything else as you've already had 60 odd answers so chances are you wont even read mine, but if you do and would like to know more, feel free to E-mail me.

  5. I think most young women think about having babies, its just a natural instinct.

    Having a baby isn't what its all cracked up to be, feeding every 4 hours, even through out the night, cracked nipples that ooze out milk (very painful), usually go up 2 or 3 dress sizes, constantly tired. can't be selfish - spending too long in the bath, doing hair, watching tv, playing on the computer, just all the stuff you took for granted will be gone.

    You need to wait until you are at least in your 20s, married, financially and emotionally stable before you even start to think about babies...

    Please don't throw your life away, I know- been there, done that, worn the tshirt.

    I love my baby but I wish I waited... you need to get your life sorted before you bring another life into this world.

  6. Yeah, i feel like that sometimes do. I think a lot of girls around this age do. At least you are responsible and mature enough to know that you wouldn't be able to take care of the baby. A lot of girls think they can handle it, when they really can't. You should be proud of yourself that you're able to realize that you're not ready to actually have a baby. How about volunteering at the hospital in the baby section? Or ask your parents if they would consider being a foster parent for a baby. That's what I asked my mom to do. It would be a nice idea. Instead of having your own baby, you can take care of a baby who needs a nice play to stay until an adoption agency can set them up with a family.

    It probably is hormones. You're right around puberty, so these feelings get strong. You're a smart girl! :)

  7. You do NOT want to have a baby!Trust me!Get over it!I had my first when I was 15.I am now 21.Trust me you do not want to have a baby.Get a puppy.It will go away.Trust me.Think 18 years of that child....I have 2 of em now...

  8. At your age it is very likely pubescent hormones having a field day while they are slowly balancing out.  

    If you know anyone that has a baby, maybe ask if you can help out to satisfy the urge so it doesn't feel so overwhelming.

  9. It is very natural for young girls to sometimes yearn for motherhood. Babies look so sweet and cuddly and will love you like no one else. However, as you seem to be aware, its a lot more work then you could ever imagine! I recommend that you take some babysitting courses (like at Red Cross) and start babysitting. Once you see all of the hard work it takes (and diapers you change) I bet you'll be a lot less eager to start a family and just enjoy being a kid!

  10. I was just like you at age 10 and up. I actually started to babysit full time at the age of 14 during the summer and right after school during the winter. Being around children does help, because you realize there is sooo much more involved than just being able to love a baby. I still would like to have children someday, but I am in my 30's and I run a day care, after spending 10-12 hours a day and sometimes I have children overnight too has helped with my want of my own. I'm glad that you are mature enough to know that you can't take care of it, because I struggle each month to provide food for all of these children. I have 5-8 children in any given day, and luckily I do not buy diapers, clothes or formula, because these are the most expensive items for children. Keep learning how to be a good parent (for when the time comes) and always remember you are young and you have many years ahead of you to have children. ENJOY your alone time while you have it because you can never give your children back.

  11. i know just how u feel i was 13 and wanted a baby to so what i did was started thinking about what would happen to me and i got upset but then i reslized i will have kids when im older so i sstarted think about what i wanted to name them stuff like that and i found really fun website and just had fun with the idea so thats what you should do just think and plan things for the kids you will have in the future

  12. you are too young to have kids of your own. you should think about finding a babysitting job. that way you can be a "mother" for a while, and get paid for it. im 22 years old and still not sure if im ready to become a mother in 2 weeks.

  13. This very possibly could be hormones.  Puberty can bring on some very difficult changes.   It's good that you know that you can't take care of a baby.   Every time you feel this maternal urge remind yourself of that. Write down all the negatives of having a baby at 13 and read it often.

    If you feel you can talk to your parents, a doctor or a trusted adult you should do so .

    If you are not active, remember the best protection against pregnancy and STDs is to not have s*x.  If you are active, please make sure you are protected from STDs and pregnancy by visiting a trusted doctor or Planned Parenthood.

  14. I was the same, its the hormones.

    I really wanted one, but i thought about my future and life and the child in questions life, it really wouldnt be fair on them now would it.

    Its hormones dont worry x

    Start babysitting to substitute this feeling, it helps.

  15. I went through the same thing when I was that exact age, but instead of wanting a baby of my own, I wished my mom would have a baby so that I could have a little sister or brother to take care of. I liked babies so much! I think it is because of hormones at that age. Just don't even think about having s*x and getting pregnant! I would suggest you start babysitting, it helps.

  16. im a dude and that started too happen to me around 11....humans were made too start having kids around the age of puberty, thats why you get those urges.....

    once you get too 15 or 16 it should stop....

    my whole family has kids as teenagers so i know what you mother got pregnant at 15-17-and-19. and my other family members were between 12-19 when they started having kids

    correction: around the age of 15-16 it should be easier to control

  17. Ignore these ******* idiots saying well get pregnant then. Your growing up and its just you hormones. You may feel when your older you want a baby, and thats when you should take action, but dont just go and have s*x and lose your virginity to any one because you just want to have a baby. Think about the consequences, what will your parents say? You'll have to quit school to look after your baby wich means you wont get any decent qualifications and you'll grow up with a crappy job earing 3 quid an hour!! grow up, fall in love, make your money, and then think about a family!!!

  18. My best friend is the same way, but she's 15. She's been wanting a child for the past 2 years(when she was 13 like you)

    sadly she hasn't gotten over it yet and she saysit's the only thing she wants in the world. My advice is to keep reminding yourself of your future and what you can accomplish and how a child could keep you from your goals. Don't waste your years at a young age, you'll regret it later. Trust me, my mom had me when she was 16 and she tells me all the time that she wished she had waited.

  19. Have you thought about getting a small animal that you could love ? It might satisfy the maternal urges by giving you something to cuddle and love. In addition, it would leave your future wide open, not limited by past mistakes or guilt.

  20. i know a girl who got pregnant a 13 and had the baby at 14. DO NOT GO HAVE A BABY you will regret it for the rest of your life. the girl wants to hang out with friends and go to school dances and stuff but she cant cuz her mom said she will go to school and come straight home b/c of her mistake. you dont want that the girl has even been thinking about killing herself and/or her baby. she says having a baby at her age is a living h**l.

    hope i changed your mind

  21. Do not have the baby, its just a phase, trust me.  Its just luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) that are making you feel like that.  Its normal.

  22. Yes it is hormones. This may be the time that you might want to consider birth control.I would suggest babysitting or some places even allow teenagers to borrow the electronic babies to see how parenthood is.

  23. I'm 15 I was like that when I was eleven I started pruberty really early but I know for a fact that you do not want to have a baby. I'm pretty sure they are just horomones because your probably just starting pruberty but dont do it having a child is a lot of work and stress and you should really talk to your parents or go 2 a doctor becuase i know before you said your home alone alot thats probably a reason you want to have a baby but a baby is not going to love you at a young age such as an infant all they can do is take from you and spit up on your new clothes but if your really serious about this mother hood thing find something to ocupy your time such as hang out with some frends or go to a park or something to get your mind of having a baby

  24. probably something to do with hormones... youre 13 and its good you know getting pregnant  at that age is just a BAD idea.

    maybe you have a really bad unbalance in your hormones... then there are pills you can take to fix it, but 1st you have to go to your doctor... talk to you mom or someone about this.

  25. At age 13, you are not even close to being mature enough to handle the demands of a baby!  Young girls sometimes think they want a baby, because they think the baby will be a soft, cuddly, smiling, happy bundle of love who will love you and keep you company. A baby CAN be all these things, but trust me - a real, live baby is more often a screaming, demanding, crying little creature that is hungry constantly, poops its diapers about once an hour, pukes on you constantly, and never lets you get any sleep!  

    I even suspect that you think you want a baby because you imagine how much attention you'll get holding a sweet little bundle in your arms. You might get attention - for about one day....then you're friends will run off and have fun, while you're at home taking care of your baby 24/7. That means no hanging around with your going to the movies or the pizza parlor. Is that really the way you want to live at age 13?

      Age 13 is a tough age. You're hormones are bouncing all over the place because your body and mind are taking a slow exit from childhood, and trying to break through into young womanhood. You've got some tough years ahead of you while your body is making this transition. So, please, PLEASE do not make life 5 times harder on yourself by having a baby.

  26. You are still a child, having a baby will not be as much fun as you think. Don't listen to the people telling you to have a baby. Think of all the things you will miss if you have a baby now. What about high school? What about prom with all your friends when you're older? Do you want to be at home with a baby? And you won't get help from a father your age.


    Please wait!!!!!!!!!!! These urges will pass, it's just that you're young and confused. But think of the future, not of what you want right now.

  27. Honey, your way too young 4 a baby, but, I understand, I have a daughter, 10, who loves babies....Maybe , at your age, babysit, if you've got those feelings, then you will do a great job. Also, it will show you the ungly side of kid' maternal insticts may very well vanish after this. Of course, at this time in your life, you are going to be feeling wierd, feel like crying, sometimes like laughing, or just hating everything...been there...we all have. You are going through a normal hormonal phase, hang in there there will be a lot of them in your life. Ask your mom to take you to the doctor, maybe he can prescribe something. If not, maybe it would help, just to have someone to talk to you...Good Luck, enjoy your childhood, it's the best time of your life, and you can't do it over. Lots of Love, feel better...Bella

  28. i think you should talk to someone, maybe not your parents cuz im pretty sure they will freak!!

    talk to a counselor, or maybe another adult who you can trust not to say anything to your parents. your 13, you dont want to have a child at that age. one you can put your life and the babies at risk for having one at that age, and two, there goes the rest of your life. a child is a wonderful thing, but your young you have alot of learning and growing to do before you need to become a mother.

    heres another idea. get a babysitting job, taking care of a few kids might open your eyes to what its like to have kids running around the house at your age, and it may change your mind.

    and remember, if your parents kick you are you going to support the baby? you need a job, but you need to be able to take care of the baby and its ALOT of money to take care of one.

    take some time to think about this!

    im not trying to be negative, im just trying to open your eyes to a reality that you might not realise

  29. u cud get a baby doll lol jk no seriously its all in your head u just have to make up your mind that u dont want to have a kid till your older (much older) cuz u cant take care of it  plus just think what your parents would say if you told them u were pregnet at 13

  30. Having a baby is not like going out and buying a barbie doll, this baby has feelings and have needs that need to be met by someone who is loving, patient, and dedicated.  Just because you have a kid don't make you a good parent.  Are you ready to give up your life for the next 18 years because if not then you will probably be an abusive parent, because you will be stressed out as well as worn out.  First be ready to dish out some money 14-15 bucks for each can of formula baby consumes, and that is usually over 13 cans in a month's time and then there's diapers which is between 45-50 bucks a case for 200 diapers, which the baby will be going through in a month's time.  And don't forget those latenighters when the baby is sick and crying all night and then you don't get any sleep but you still got to go to school in the morning.  What about prom, but you can't go because you have no money because you had to feed your baby, and you have nobody to watch him so you get mad.  But guess what you can't get mad at anybody but yourself for not wanting to watch him because you had him they didn't.  What about when you want to go to the club, drink all that all night long, and you put your baby's needs off on somebody else, did you ever think about that?  He didn't ask to be here, but you will be treating him like he did.  I waited to have my son until I was 29 and had all my desires like clubbing and drinking out of my system so that I could be a good devoted parent.  Enjoy your childhood years when you can live carefree and depend on your parents to take care of you because your' only a child once.  And once you make grown up decisions, you will be treated as such.  Don't create an unnecessary hardship on yourself, if you want to be maternal get a pet, and take care of it, at least if you don't want it anymore, you can take it to the shelter or give it away.  You can't do kids like this because it ain't right.  Work in a daycare or babysit someone else's kids, when you get tired of them, you can give them back and go have fun with the money you've earned.

  31. I am 13 too! And feel the same way but I don't know why. I think I just want someone that I can love more than I love myself. I know I cant give a baby all that they need at age 13 but I really want one. I don't know if we can ever make the urges go away but all we have to do is wait. I was scared when I first started have them because i thought I might want a baby so bad that I would try to have one but I just keep thinking that all I have to do is wait, then I can have my own child that has my blood running through his/her veins and that is the most rewarding feeling you can ever have. Just wait and don't put your self in the position where your are a teenage mother. _ Michelle

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