
I'm having issues with my dentist what can I do. On April 14th I went for surgery to remove both lower and

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upper baby canines and the impacted canines (being limited to space) 8 teeth total. The treatment plan was to place a bridge on the left and right sides (3 teeth on each side) of 2 front teeth to fill in the missing tooth. Add'l a bridge was placed on the lower left. I was put in temp bridges on that day. I was suppose to be done with treatment on June 6th. However, the lab that my dentist was using kept sending the impressions back saying the margins wasn't visible..impressions was taken 3 different times until my dentist decided to go with a different lab. I haven't had luck with this lab, the bridges have went back 6 times now as of yesterday. The sides do not match up to one another (looks as if the teeth are slanting). The teeth are very bulky and look as if the teeth are buldging out on top of the gums. You can see spaces at the top between the teeth which expose my gum as if my gums have caved in. My dentist says my gums will eventually fill out. I'm not happy what can I do?




  1. My question is, do you have a lawyer? I'd show him all of these pictures and #'s to see if you have yourself a case.

    This is the USA, you can have a case with almost anything

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