
I'm having my Tae Kwon Do Black Belt Test in 4 Days. And I have to do 100 Pushups.With breaks. Question below?

by Guest32395  |  earlier

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  1. well im not sure. ive gone through the blk belt test and it took 2 years 2 train for it instead of 1 and i still had trouble passin it. the pushups r the main killer. wut my master did for normal classes wer that we did 50 pushups and after that, he made us go half way down and hold it like that for 10 seconds like 10 times. then he made us stay on 1 hand for a minute each hand. do those everyday for a year and it helps alot. and o yea, no breaks in between otherwise the main thing will b lost. and continue doing these so it will help for ur 2nd dan blk belt test in 2 years.

  2. Practice your push ups by doing about 20 each minute and keep doing it.

  3. Do you want the black belt to just be given to you, or do you want to EARN it?

    If you can't do the required pushups for the test, then forget testing for black belt until you CAN do the pushups.

  4. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 totals 100.

    You've left it a bit late to do anything about actually improving you're push ups and performance.

  5. One handed push-ups will get you way better faster.

  6. You are not ready to test. Start training harder and wait till the next test.

  7. That's not good. Today, do a couple of sets of pushups (3 to 4 would be best). If you have access to a gym or dumbells, you can find a simple chest muscle and shoulder routine with a google search. If you don't, focus on doing the pushups, and then proceed to an ab workout; you actually use your abs to keep yourself straight during the pushup movement. Whatever you do with ab workout, make sure you include the plank: to get in the position for the plank, assume the pushup position, and then lower yourself to your elbows. Now the hard part: hold that stance, and stay parallel, you will feel it. Do whatever you do today again on Thursday (because your test is Saturday right?), because you need a day of rest for your muscles to recover.

    good luck with the test

  8. If you can't do 100 push ups through the course of a (what is it these days) a 8 eight hour test, then you have no business owning a black belt.

    An instructor level rank (black belt) means you have surpassed all physical, mental, and emotional limitations allowing you to actually learn the art. If you haven't surpassed these now simpler levels of expectations, you have no business being of such a rank.

    You suck? Too bad, get better!

  9. break the 100 up into sections

    25 in the morning 25 in the afternoon

    25 in the mid afternoon (3:00pm) and 25 at (6:00)

    in four days you will make progress, by the way I went through this the Sabumnim will not count each and every pushup...generally speaking, also if you are testing with others he may be watching many ppl at once.....

  10. Okay push ups require chest and, arm strength. Workout your chest with benchpress and doing dips. Your arms bench press and free weights. Next start training endurance with your push ups. Start with 30 then go to 40 then 50 and so on. Since you have a short amount of time do push ups twice or three times a day. That means morning, afternoon, and before you go to sleep. Also try diffrent kinds like diamond and wide arm instead of just close arms.

  11. you should have thought of this WAY before now! there is practically nothing you can do within 4 days time to allow you to do 100 pushups if you can't do that many already.

    keep good form...back straight, head looking down (very important) dont have your arms in too close together or too wide...etc...not much you can do in 4 days

  12. If you are at black belt rank or preparing to test for it, you should have been training for at least 3 years. If you train properly, doing pushups every day should have been part of your routine.

    After three years of training with pushups as a part of your daily routine, you should have no problem doing 100 pushups WITH breaks.

    The answer, though you're not gonna like it, is that you're screwed, because there's no magic bullet to make you capable of doing 100 pushups in four days time. You failed to prepare, now you have to deal with it. Sorry.

  13. In preparation, you'll want to practice an incredibly large amount of pushups. Don't hurt yourself, but in the days prior to the test, you need to build up your endurance.

    Secondly, practice different hand positions. Wider hand positions while doing pushups gives you a better base of support, and more leverage when you do each pushup. As someone mentioned, in training bring your hands close together and make a diamond with the insides of your thumbs and forefingers. This will really work your upper arms and chest.

    Lastly, try to eat as many low-fat carbohydrates as you can. I know, eating pasta can get a little old after about 2 meals, but you have to stick with it. Try not to eat very much at each serving, but rather take 6-8 very small, nutritious snacks each day at equally spread times. This will help you lose weight in the days leading up to your test which will help you immensely. Stay away from fatty meat during this time. Low fat proteins like turkey are fine, but again, try to lean toward carbs more, since you don't really have an overly large amount of time to build muscle anyway, and I believe you'd gain more benefit if you didn't have the weight on.

    Try to run and do stamina exercises as well. Mentally block out the pain or exhaustion you're feeling while you do these exercises, and push your body. Again, don't overdo it, but if you're going to be good in four days, you need to push hard. Some endurance exercises include holding your stances very low to the ground, pull ups, laying across a bench perpendicularly, and then straightening your body, etc.

    On the day of your test, don't eat very much at all. Hydrate well a few hours beforehand. Get a lot of sleep that night. You might even do some very light warmup exercises to get your muscles moving. And be sure to stretch well before your test.

    Good Luck!

  14. Push ups strengthen your upper body, if you are unable to do them, that says you need to work on your upper body strength.

    The short answer is: do more push ups.

    For your test I'd suggest to do them in sets of 5 so you can do all of them.

  15. You can't, plain and simple. Sorry. If you suck at pushups so bad, then 4 days is nowhere near enough time to build up the upper body strength to do 100. Don't do what everybody else is saying and do as many as you possibly can as often as you possibly can because then you will be sore as h**l on the day of the actual test. You're best chance is to try to do 5 sets of 20 with about a 10 second break in between each one. Sorry, there's not much you can do. Should've started training hard as soon as you found out you were going to test.

  16. build the strength in your chest by starting off with pushups on your knees.  do as many as you can, until failure.  this will help you with your muscle endurance. you'll find that these are easier than the normal pushups, but it does work your muscles.

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