
I'm having my little chinese neighbours round for dinner?

by Guest34137  |  earlier

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but i can't get chopsticks anywhere so i'm just gonna give them straws instead, my dining room table will probably be to high so i'm gonna eat sitting on the floor like in they're native china but i don't have a table low enough so i was gonna give them cushions to put under they're plates, i'm sure they are well used to this, does anyone know what kind of meat or foul they eat in they're native china and if its available to buy over here?




  1. ur "little neighbors"? serving food with straws?if u are not deliberately offensive,then u are certainly obtuse!!!!!! why not invite them for a regular dinner,or make something from a chinese cook-book,but dont patronise them!(did prince phillip write this?)for the answerer below me,NOTE THE SPELLING AND TURNS OF PHRASE-THE ASKER OF THIS QUESTION IS BRITISH!("NEIGHBOURS",NOT AMERICAN SPELLING,WHICH IS "NEIGHBORS").ALSO,AMERICANS "HAVE PEOPLE OVER" FOR DINNER,BRITS "HAVE THEM 'ROUND."


  3. Haha if youre serious, give them forks and eat at the table. And they all the same poultry and meat as you do.

    Lol you need to go a lil bit more well-rounded.

  4. Are you really being serious?

    You don't have chopsticks so you're going to give your neighbors straws to use in replacement?

    Please,  Chinese people know how to use forks and spoons.

    And I have never heard of Chinese people that sit on the floor to eat.  I think you're thinking Koreans or Japanese.

    I think maybe you should just stick with what you know and cook a traditional American meal.  

    I'm sure they won't mind and I'm sure you don't want to risk offending them.. I think you will if you give them straws to eat with and make them sit on the floor

  5. Jealous are we?

  6. you appear to be the same idiot that posed this same idiotic question one week ago only is was asked by "SarahD" (probably your dumb ***); the question is written exactly using  the same with the same words and everything.  you are an a*****e without a brain. u stupid f*@#!.

  7. Don't worry about trying to make it "authentic" Chinese.  Just make a dish that you make really well, and seat them at your table.  You are inviting them into your home after all.  Just because they are Chinese does not mean that they still eat on the ground, or with chopsticks.  If they are living in your country now, chances are they have acclamated to your culture pretty well.  If you want to make something with Chinese accent, do Duck or something like that.  Or just make something that is traditional to your family.  Straws would probably be difficult to eat with if they are used to Chop Sticks, since straws are hollow and chop sticks are not.  I hope you have a good dinner party, but don't try to do over do it.  Just make them feel welcome, and be yourself! ) Best wishes.

  8. chicken, duck, beef, pork and fish

  9. This is a stupid question - I hope they chop you up & eat you with their straws while sitting on the floor!

    Are you trying to be offensive?

  10. ARE YOU FOR REAL????????????

  11. Be cheeky! Pop along to your nearest Chinese restaurant or take-away and ask if they have any, or ask where they might buy theirs. Or look online at, this is one of the biggest Chinese supermarket outlets, I'm sure they would give you some advice, and you should be able to get all the authentic ingredients you need too.

  12. Don't give them Chinese food it may seem offensive and rude it will also look like you are trying to hard and if they are new there make them what you are good at or what ever food is native to their or if they did want a chines dinner go here

  13. Take them to Mickey D's for a real American dinner!!!!

  14. You already asked this question!! It is very offensive to the Asian community and a round about way to post a racist comment. Are you little? Oh, and quit creating new accounts and asking the same racist questions!!!

  15. it's a really nice thing to do and i wish you the best of luck.

    try visiting this link..

  16. your being offencive just because their Chinese, doesn't mean they cant eat with spoons and forks

  17. Straws? Troll.

  18. Just pick up a nice piece of cat.

  19. sweet nd sour chicken nd rice yum!  r u sure they use chopsticks for all there meals? let them sit on the sofa with there food.

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