
I'm having my period and I have swim practice. It hurts to take out a tampon. advice???

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Im only twelve but I'm still big around my hips. It hurt REALLY BAD when I took out a tampon like a month ago. What should i do?




  1. What helps me, if u leave it in longer, but if not, pee first sitting on the toilet , wipe off the string then try again, it work like lube.  or if that doesnt work, try to push like ur pooping

  2. You may be using too high an absorbency. Try going smaller (like from Super to Regular..or from Regular to Light) If you have to use Light, then just change it more often. Hope i helped. Try to relax when you take it out, too. Squat if you have to, or put your leg up on the toilet seat.  

  3. it probably hurt because the tampon hadn't absorbed enough . i know because when i'm getting to the end of my period , it hurts to take out

  4. finger ur self so ur v****a gets used to it. It will hurt less and less then it will start feeling good

  5. SAME problem! I tried my first tampon yesterday, and It HURT! and I use slender! What I did wrond was, I didnt leave it in long enough. I only had it in for about 10 minutes. Then I used another one, but I left it in for 5 hours, and it was fine. Just leave it in for a few hours and it shouldnt hurt as bad. :)

    Good Luck!

  6. The only reason it hurt is that you took it out too soon. You usually need to wait till 3-4 hours has gone by to change it.  

  7. relax, you were probably nervous the first time.  

  8. Some times, if the tampon wasnt fully abzorbed of fluid it will hurt when it gets taken out that might be the case. Are you not using the correct abzorbency? Did you try maby a applicator tampon, some people cant get it in enough and then it hurts alot when they take it out. Also when youre taking out the tampon you should try squatting or one leg up on the sink, find your most comfortable way to take the tampon out and im sure it will get better

    The Best of luck Ashlee Erin <3

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