
I'm having pimples, what should i do?

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I once tried Pond's but it's gets even more pimples and my face gets red. I wash my face everyday and this other product but i don't think it works and my face is so itchy when i take it. What should i do? I have pimples especially in my nose and my forehead. I want this pimples out of my face!!




  1. try going to a dermatologist. it is always best to consult an expert. :) i guess your skin type is very sensitive. you can try using neutrogena or panoxyl. there's also one product i saw on the skin shop just a while ago, clean and clear pimple remover.

    try drinking lots of water and eat more fruits and vegetables. and never touch your face once your hands are dirty.sleep early also or at least have 8 hours of sleep a day.:)

  2. ive had the same problems, whenever i use the removal cream stuff, my face always get worse. I'm male so it doesn't bother me as much as it might you, but i just stopped caring

  3. Honey is a great remedy for acne and pimples because the honey kills bacteria. More such solutions at

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