this is already embarrassing, so please, only want mature, helpful answers please.
ive been having s*x for a while now, but its been over a year that i've been having trouble getting to enjoy it.
it takes me a while to get 'in the mood' for it, since i havent been able to get as aroused as before. we've tried foreplay, but even then it takes a while for me, if not never, to get into the mood.
if we do happen to have intercourse, i get dry easily and it ruins everything.
before i go for medical help, i wanted to ask here to see if someone else has gone through the same and could help me. its hard for me to go through this at a young age but i just want to find a way to change it.
ive tried lubes but even then, they don't work all the way since sometimes during intercourse i dry out =(
is it some sort of infection ive had for a while now? ive never talked to my doc about this before, but i'm really considering it now on making an appointment.
also i know its not normal because i wasn't like this before. before i'd get aroused easily, and now its a struggle.