There is the guy who hangs out in my neighborhood and he frequents many of the places that I do. He would have been banned from many of these places, but it seems like most people are to scared of this guy to kick him out. All he does is talk trash about people, try to bait people into fights, sell drugs, and occasionally will physically attack people he doesnt like. Any young guys who are nice, and do well with ladies he has problems with. Now, it has yet to get physical between me and him, although the other night I saw him around all night talking trash about me and he eventually tried to bait me into fighting him. I think i handle him pretty well, diffusing the situation by remaining calm and showing him that i am not afraid of him, he eventually backed off and shook my hand. but this really bothered me. A couple of nights later a friend of mine walked into a bar with a lady friend of his, this bully guy, eventually physically attacks my friend, punching him in the face about five times in the face before it gets broken up (these two guys have had issues in the past)... On top of all of this, the girl that I have been seeing recently just told me that this bully guy has had a big crush on her for years. So, I know when he is going to have serious issues with me when he sees me with her, which is just a matter of time... so, my question is, how am I going to get rid of this guy.. He is a menace to society 99 percent of the people I talk to about him tell me just to avoid him alltogether, but this wont be an option once he sees me with this chick. I am a big fighter, and even if I was, this guy could probably take me. However I am willing to devote quite a bit of time and energy trying to frame him or sabotage him or do anything short of hiring a gang of toughs to beat the living h**l out of the guy. I have no Idea what to do. What would you do in my situation?
Thanks for bearing with the length of this question and i appreciate all responces.