
I'm having some problems with my Knee... does anybody know something about this?

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Well, it started maybe a year or so ago when it started. I believe I hit my right knee running into a tree, and couldn't walk well. Intense pain, swelling, and bruising occurred and then faded. But since then, my right knee has seemed bigger than my left.

Also, every now and then, I get pains from moving it. Particularly standing up, walking, and sitting/crouching. It becomes very difficult to walk at some points, and causes me to stagger shortly when I stand up ( almost like it's kind of numb? ) .

Thanks for any insight. I'd rather get opinions first before I go to the doctor's. And before somebody says it, yes, I should've gone to the doctor when it first happened, but I was unable due to family issues.




  1. There could be a lot of different problems with it, but yes you should go to the doctor because injuries could've come out of the initial injury. So if you got a bruised bone in your knee, and those really really hurt, it could've led to the rest of the knee overcompensating to keep the knee in the most comfortable position and in less pain, and caused any number of things to go wrong. I bruised my knee bone getting out of a truck one time and ended up hyper-extending it and tearing my MCL before I even realized it was bruised, because of the different ways I ended up walking thinking I had only a bruise.  

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