
I'm having surgery in a week and my mouth will be wired shut for 12 wks, what can I eat?

by  |  earlier

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I'm worried about staying healthy while my mouth is wired shut for so long, I will be living in a dorm room so I am limited to a microware for cooking.




  1. milkshakes my friend . . .


  2. well, since you only have a microwave i would suggest soup. (very original i know)  but you could get those little cups filled with soup by Campbell's.

    here's a link with a bunch of soups that you can microwave.

  3. Will your mouth be shut like u cant open it? if u could open it eat soft stuff like applesauce or noodles. Im really not sure look it up in google or ask your dentist.

  4. Now days is not more necessary to close the mouth !!!!! with the use of miniplates and screws I do not see the reason to do that !!!! perhaps in your country they do not have this technology or your Surgeon is old fashion !!!!. Dr. Ibarra Maxillofacial Surgeon in Mexico

  5. milkshakes..hommade..soup slow cooker ..

  6. i just had that surgery about a month ago only i wasn't not wired shut i have these annoying!!!!1 ruberbands

    anwhoot! have alot of diff kinds of soups

    and enshure and all those kind of protein drinks

    engergy drinks those will keep well with engery

    they should give u a lil cook book on all the diff stuff u can make

    they might also give u this special thing that you can eat with like so u can squeeze the food in Ur mouth

    trust me it wont be that bad dont let anyone scare you like i read all this stuff on the Internet and those people scared me soo much i cried for weeks but then i talked to my cousin who had it done and she said it wasn't that bad

    the 1st 3 to 4 days are the worst but really theres not to much pain it hurts more to get ur wisdonm teeth out

    so you really wont be limited to cooking you will have all these soups to have just make shure theye not chunky

    a blender will also be your best freind you can make many things just everything has to be really purade

    ahh sneezing is anoying with ur mouth like that i just did it and i still cant open well it wasnt fun lol

    your gonna lose weight i lost like 10 pounds in 5 days

    but get that Enshure stuff i really hope u know what im talking about

    and milkshakes those are high in calories so that will keep u pretty full

    make shure u drink alot of things

    im shure your gonna be fine :D

    if anything! update ur answer and ill help the best i can

    good luck

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