
I'm having the worst pain ever...?

by  |  earlier

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i had a colonoscopy on tuesday because i have chrons diease and i was having bad pain right near my belly button and they found that i have more than 100 ulcers lining my small intestine and they put me on prednisone and i swear i feel worse than ever any one got any advise to atleast help my pains....




  1. Hydromorphone - Brand name Dilaudid

    if you cant get that settle for Oxycodone or Morphine.

    No access to that, buy a generic Co-codamol codeine and paracetamol from the chemist.

    If you don't have anything to do, pop a couple of Diazepam and have a 'smoke'

  2. My husband and son both have Crohn's Disease, so I have an idea what you are going through.  All I can say is to call your doctor and let them know that you're really hurting right now.  There is a chance that they "punctured" your colon or intestine on Tuesday.  That risk is always there.

    Also, ask your doctor about Remicade treatments.  My husband's Crohn's was so bad that every time they would take him off of prednisone, within a week or two at most, he would be bleeding again.  Because of that, he qualified for Remicade treatments.  If you don't have insurance though, you probably won't be able to afford them cause they are really expensive.  Thank god we had insurance coverage on him back then.  Ever since he went through the treatments, it's like his Crohn's Disease almost completely went away.

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