
I'm having triplets... what do you think of these names?

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Avery Olivia Rose

Bennett Sophia Grace

Chace Christopher Quinn




  1. I love Olivia Rose and Sophia Grace and Christopher Quinn.

    also like

    Aura Olivia Rose

    Grace Elise Sophia

    Quinn Chace Christopher

  2. What a lovely selection of beautiful names

    The only one I am not keen on is Bennett as this is more of a surname

    I see you have an "ABC"theme

    so how about

    Bonnie Sophia Grace

    Brianne Sophia Grace

    good luck


  3. sorry, but i don't like unisex names. all three of your first names sound like boys to me. if you told me just their 3 first names, i would think you have all boys. Love Sophia.

    Chase is nice and Quinn is nice.

  4. I like Avery Olivia Rose and Bennett Sophia Grace


    Chace Christopher my opinion there's something not right..

    How bout Chace Quinn Christopher

  5. Chace Christopher Quinn is really nice! But I'm not too fond of Avery and Bennett. The first thing I think of when I hear Avery is 'ovary', and Bennett is an overly masculine name for a little girl I think (I think of Tony Bennett). I understand the type of thing you were going for though (more modern/unisex first name and beautiful feminine middle names) and think it's definitely a cute idea.  

  6. I like Avery Olivia Rose

    And Chace Christopher Quinn

    But how about

    Grace Sophia Bennett


  7. I do not care for Avery or Bennett

  8. I would take out Avery, Bennett, and Quinn.

    Olivia Rose

    Sophia Grace

    Chace Christopher

  9. Hi!

    All those names are pretty but how about this:

    Alexis Faith

    Cara Marie

    madeline Anne  

  10. I don't like any of your first name choices. BTW, did you mean Chase or Chance for the third one?

    My thoughts -

    Alexandra Olivia Rose

    Beatrice Sophia Grace

    Christopher Andrew Quinn

  11. I think Olivia, Sophia, Grace and Rose are sooooo over used.  I'd rethink those middle names a little bit.  EVERYONE is using them.

    Avery, Bennett and Chace I like and I like Chace Christopher Quinn.

  12. Avery Olivia Rose  (In my opinion this sounds a little too poetic to be a name for someone.  Either Avery or Rose it making it sound that way to me)

    Bennett Sophia Grace (I could never tell if this is a male or female name, Sophia threw me off.  If it is a guy that may be a problem, and if it is a girl Bennett may be a problem)

    Chace Christopher Quinn (Chace Christopher Quinn sounds like something in a toulng twister.  How about Christopher _____ Quinn?)

  13. i love all of the names they are so pretty

  14. good names

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