
I'm having trouble backspinning in the air with my axel.?

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I actually never learned the axel but I'm really close. I also two-footed in the air which causes me to land on two feet. Does anyone have tips to backspinning in the air. Even when I practice tons of backspins on the ice it's really not working.




  1. yea, im practicing my axel too. keep ur body tight,with ur legs tucked in. remember to "snap" in quickly, keep ur free leg up, the reason ur two footing is is cause ur unconsiously afraid of falling. just practice. good luck =D

  2. Hey!! I am in intermediate, I can totally help you! Ok, You are supposed to get an open back spin position in the air, not a tight backspin.  I know that it is hard, but If you want to email me we can be online sk8ing pen pals!! Email me at


  3. omg!!! im trying to figure out how to do the same thing!!! i keep asking anyone if they know how to do an axel, here's what i know:

    you have to kick your free leg around really hard and throw in your arms upwards.

    well, good luck hope i helped!!!

  4. Be careful if your coach hasn't worked on them with you yet.  You can get hurt pretty badly doing them....I did.

    First, I'd just keep plugging along with working on your backspins.  I know they're not tons of fun, but they really do help.  Try going into your backspin, hold the open position and as you pull in, jump.

    Make sure you snap in your jump.  After you take off, snap into your backspin position.

    My coach and I were working on this today....because I have pretty much the same problem as you.  She had me pause a little between the take off and jump part because I was rushing into it, which made it harder to snap.  So try them from a stand still or side hops....reach back, pause, kick through, snap, pull in and hope for the best...haha, like I do!  :)

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