
I'm having trouble closing internet explorer, what's going on?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever I go to exit out of internet explorer, it has a loading bar that pops of that says "internet explorer has stopped working, wait until it is restarted." What is going on? Once that happens if I hit cancel it just goes to a middle blank screen (usually white.) It's bugging the heck out of me and I can't even close the windows with the task manager. What do I do?





  1. get safari. i donno what your problem is but the same thing happens to me and so i just got firefox & it now does the same i got safari. my best advice for you. :]

  2. in task manager go to the "process" tab

    find the "iexplorer" and right click it and click end process.

    this will close it

    be careful not to close "explorer" as that is your interface to windows and you will just be looking at your desktop wallpaper

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