
I'm having trouble thinking of 2 middle names for Madelyn?

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I want to give my daughter two middle names because it is a tradition in my family. I am having the most difficult time trying to think of middle names for her!

For the longest time I liked:

-Alexis Faith.

-Alexis Grace.

-Alexis Nicole(Nicole, after my sister).

-Elizabeth Grace(Elizabeth after my grandmother, but we are not that close and I am afraid it would offend my other grandmother).

-Ruby Grace(Ruby after my boyfriend's grandmother).

These names are all pretty, it is just that none of them have really stuck and I haven't been absolutely crazy about them.

I would really like to give her a sophisticated name. I really wanted her name to be spelled "Madeleine" because it just looks more classy, but because I am afraid she will have a hard time spelling it and my family does too, then I would have to keep it spelled as "Madelyn."

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :) Thank you for your time!




  1. Madeleine Ruby Nicole. And spell the name however you want. My names spelled Jacquelyn, but I spell my name Jackie... I still get birthday cards from my aunt spelling it Jacquie. It's just something we have to deal with.

  2. I think that Madeleine is pretty. I think that if you spell it like that then you and your family will get used to it. Also, all of those middle names are really pretty and they go together really well. For a middle name I like Irene Rose maybe. That's pretty.

  3. Madelyn Hailey Nicole

    Madelyn Rachel Nicole

    Madelyn Elizabeth Nicola

    Madelyn Hailey Grace

    Madelyn Rachel Victoria

  4. I like Madelyn Alexis Nicole out of the ones listed up there.  I also like-

    Madelyn Grace Rose

    Madelyn Isabelle Alexis

    Madelyn Alice Rose

    I hope you like some of those♥

  5. I like Elizabeth Grace AND Ruby Grace best.  Don't worry, your other grandmother wouldn't be offended if you called her that.  My cousin has the same last name as one of our grandmothers, and her other grandmother isn't offended one bit.  Why don't you call her Elizabeth and make her middle name the first name of your other grandma?  

    Ruby Grace is pretty, too.  I think your boyfriend's grandma would be really touched:)  

    As for Madelyn, I like:

    Madelyn Grace

    Madelyn Rebekah

    Madelyn Rose

    Madelyn Paige

    I also like Madeline better than Madelyn, as it's less common, but both names are very pretty:) Good luck and congratulations!

  6. i love the name Madelyn.

    i think Madelyn Alexis Faith would be a great and beautiful name. it is also very sophisticated b/c it doesn't sound like a 'baby' name.

    hope this helped, congrats!

  7. madelyn alexsis grace has the nicer ring to it.

    some of the other just dont flow right

  8. madelyn elizabeth grace

  9. My personal opinion is that when you pick a name with more than one middle name each name should end with a different letter. Ex.(Abby Lilly Rae) That's not right.You did a great job coming up with names.

    I like MadelyN AlexiS GracE

  10. Madelyn Alexis Faith is lovely. If you wanted another ides

    Madelyn Nicole Ruby

    or maybe something different

    Madelyn Eloise Grace

    good luck and congrats :)

  11. I think the name Madeline Claire sounds pretty and sophisticated.

  12. its a hideous mispelled name dont destroy it more wth awful mn

  13. Madelyn Rochelle Jennae

    I have always like this name and I think it's sophisticated yet still easy to spell.

    (Just in case you like it,here is how it sounds.)

    Ruh-shell Jen-ay

    Hope this helps!

  14. I really like Madelyn Alexis Nicole.

  15. Corissa Elizabeth Rose

    Alexis Rose Faith

    Katrina Melody Grace

    Sienna Alexis Nicole

    Regan Elizabeth Faith

    Madeleine Faith Coryn

  16. elizabeth grace or alexis nicole

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