
I'm having trouble with my friends. Can you help?

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Okay, So I have a few friends who I have been hanging out with for the past three years, And lately I feel like they don't want to hang out with me anymore, at least SOME of them don't. I Get made fun of by one of them all of the time, and when call/text them, they never want to hang out, and sometimes they just stop replying to me. I don't know, but It seems like because the three middle schools are mixing next year I "embarass" them or something and they don't want to be seen with me. They never ask to hang out, and I don't want to look desperate by asking to join in on plans. I just don't like doing that, So I don't know what to do, Should I confront them, or just move on to new friends and show them what they are missing...

(P.S., we have differant interests, like clothes and music, but I didn't think that that mattered before, does it now because of highschool? I have no clue.)

Any help would be appreciated. :P




  1. You go through lots of changes in your high school years. You will realize who your true friends are and who aren't. I would talk to them about it and make them realize they aren't being very good friends to you. If you can find some new friends, I'd leave those back stabbers alone and get some good friends. Good luck =)

  2. I think you should just give them some time. You can still be friends with them but you can make new friends too.  If it does not get any better then you might want to confront them.

  3. It's because of highschool. People change. I wouldnt get in a fight with them. I would just make new friends.  And by reading this there's nothing wrong with you. Friends come and go. Be strong :]

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