
I'm helping out at a daycare this summer. I need craft ideas for kids 1-3 & 7-12 years. Does anyone have ideas

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I'm helping out at a daycare this summer. I need craft ideas for kids 1-3 & 7-12 years. Does anyone have ideas




  1. Youcouldhavethemmakecockandballsoutofcot...

  2. Check this web site out:

    This should be very helpful to you, stuff is cheap. :)

  3. Have them blow paint around paper with a straw and blow colored bubbles and have them pop on the paper.

  4. When i was younger and had birthday parties (7-12), my parents would have little frames that they made from popsicle sticks and hot glue which we would decorate with markers, pipe cleaners, sequins, beads, buttons, etc.  Then they took pictures of us to put in our frames.  It was lots of fun.

  5. If you "google"  craft ideas for preschool, or something similar, you'll find tons of ideas.

  6. GIve them a ball of clay and have them make ashtrays for their parents.

  7. There's a great book by Mary-Ann Kohl called Mudworks. You can also google it as people have said, Family Fun magazine has a ton of good ideas! have Fun!

  8. Make some beaded necklaces or cut out a heart card for valentines day.   Color some pictures.  Find raw pasta and glue it on paper to make a craft. Take some paper maiche and make something.  make a sea shell mirror.  Make an ornament.  make some cookies.  Make paper people.  Or type on google craft ideas and you should get plenty of ideas.

    Hope this helps!!!

  9. age 1-3 : Cut out a sun out of yellow const. paper for each child.

    You'll  need: yellow const. paper, glue, and sequins.

    help them draw eyes and a smile with markers

    let them use their hands to spread glue around on the sun.

    then let them sprinkle sequins onto the glue

    or put sequins all over a table and let them lay the shape glue-side down into the sequins.

    The older ones can make lists of all the things they want to do over summer break :-) and they can use various markers, stencils, stickers, whatever to decorate the list.

    ... OR!

    you'll need

    Cut out a shape of a man for each child out of tan const. paper.

    use white construction paper to make the shape of swimming trunks.

    summer stickers : sand stickers.. whatever

    Give each child a person, and a blank swimming trunk.

    let them decorate the trunks however they want.. and then they can glue them to the person :-)

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