one of my old friends has anorexia. She's had it since about, december, and it's just getting worse. She hasn't had her period since march and she's become a shell of her former self :(
I'm really worried about her, and, what makes it worse is that she has nobody but me. She has lost contact with all her other friends and her mother and father just couldn't care less. They've handled it extremely badly, refusing to accept she has anything wrong with her and her dad once threw her food in her face and called her 'pathetic for not being the daughter he wanted' when she refused to touch her dinner (i was in her room when it happened). Her mum is in denial, and has infact lost a lot of weight herself, which i think is the wring message to put accross.
she refuses to see any psychologists/councellors as much as i beg her to, she was referred to one but hated the way she was treated and never went back.
basically, what i'm trying to ask is what can i do to help her? I've even enrolled in a councelling course at college and ordered copious amounts of ED books from the internet. I'm determined to make her better, i don't want to see her die. And i'm afraid she will die before she gains the confidence and courage to seek help from a professional.
what can i do? please help me.