
I'm home alone and scared... HELP!!!?

by Guest66981  |  earlier

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OK I live in a mansion that was built a long time ago and its really old and scary... I'm home alone and I keep hearing this noise coming from the basement!! HELP!! My parents aren't going to be home for 3 hours and it's PITCH BLACK outside!!!!!!!




  1. call a friend so you have someone to talk to

  2. calm down...turn on all the lights, lock all the doors & windows

    do something to distract you like watching a movie, listening to music, calling friends, reading, go to sleep, anything

  3. Call a friend or crank up the music.

    Whenever I'm home alone I love to listen to music. It relaxes me and gets my mind off things.

    Try to watch a funny movie on TV. Lock all the doors and windows. Turn on the security system. Go to your room and just stay there with a phone. You'll feel more safe.

  4. Turn on the TV & watch something funny.

  5. why do you think i have a gun in my room?

  6. watch a movie and turn the lights on.

  7. omg im home too and scared too

  8. turn on the radio or play the piano, or take a nap

  9. Get a box of twinkies....

    Eat them and you will feel better...

    If there is a ghost it will distract him or her.

    No joke....

    It works

  10. yeah...riiiiiiight.

  11. I agree with h j. It probably nothing. When it starts to get dark out, the night just plays with your thought process to the point where you think that there is something there.

    Usually, if there is something that is causing some kind of sound from the basement, it is probably just one of the machines that are in the basement, such as the water heater and what not.

  12. try to fall asleep o something! or talk to a friend or have a friend come over or something! ANYTHING to get your mind off it

  13. Turn all the lights on, and play some music or watch a movie really loud so you don't hear noises that your mind will turn into creepy noises. Call and see if a friend can come over. Having people over always keeps your mind off things. If all else fails, get in a hot bathtub, play music and lock the door, it'll relax you.

  14. Throw a grenade in the basement...

  15. that happens 2 me 2. i turn all the lights on, and walk around with  my field hockey stick in 1 hand, and a knife and my cell in my back pocket. also DONT turn on music, it will freak u out even more.

  16. call a friend or have someone pick you up... lock your doors and go to your room and hide under your blankets with a flash light and a book lol

  17. it's old house, i live in one too. creaking noises and such always happen. i get freaked out too. it always turns out to be nothing. call a friend or neighbor, invite them over or just talk. i like to blast music. if i get really scared i carry a baseball bat around with me. sounds crazy right? but i feel alot safer when i do.

  18. dont you have neighbors arounnd? one and let them come over..or call a friend of yours.......oh hey..micheal jackson may be knocking your door:-))

  19. call 911 if you think theres REALLY someone in there, don't your parents have cells phones? d**n girl you could be dead by now if your askin us on the internet...... what a dumb @$$

  20. alrite.. just chill.. do something which you enjoy... if its really bothering you then go and check it out.. seriously no one will go to your basement to steal stuff.. i if i  were a thief i would go to a bedroom and steal stuff... just check it out.. i will turn out to be something random ... if you feel scared take like a knife with you... you'll just laugh it off...

    P.S. turn on the lights and check it out... you don't wanna end up falling and stabbing yourself with the knife.. if you think there is someone down there then go quietly.. don't forget to turn on the lights...


    When you become scared, u automatically "hear things" or "see things" because ur mind is playing tricks on u to make u think they are real because u NEED SOMETHING to be scared of so ur mind will accommodate ur current feeling and mood.

    just stay in ur room, closed the door, and turn on the lights.

    watch something funny: like a comedy, cartoons.

    play a video game

    SOMETHING to make u laugh or keep u distracted.

    and call a friend and just casually talk to them.

    u will be fine, just stop freaking urself out and concentrate on something else.

    (best answer please)

  22. Light up the lights around the house.  

    And watch disney channel while you eat some sweet treats.

  23. this is what i do : turn on all the lights , turn on your computer and any music player you have and play it, watch a movies, and know that the noise is probably nothing, maybe just a little rat or something, and you are just scaring yourself

  24. omg

  25. Invite a friend over, Listen to some music and try take your mind of the noise from the basement. If this doesn't work go outside for a walk or something.

  26. Goto sleep andshut up. Be careful for the boogie man. He killed me three years ago.

  27. call up your friends and tell them to watch a movie with you.......  omg..... how scary....

  28. It's not right to leave a child home alone unless you are 13 or over.

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