
I'm homeschoold and i hate it.?

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ive been so sad these day cuz im homeschoold and i hate it.i asked if you could go to real school but my mom keeps saying no.and i have like no friends and how can you get a boyfriend if your homeschoold?? i feel so alone sometimes..all i have is my cousin and she's geting sick of me...and i do cheer and thats it and no one there ever talks to me..and there mean..and they all call me the homeschool girl..and i feel like i will be homeschoold forever and never get married or got to the prom with a date...i tried to talk my mom into it for 2 years..but all i get is no..all i do every day is just read and go on the soo bored all the time..




  1. I hate to say it, but your mom is right.  I WISH I had been home schooled.  Can you not study something you like such as art or music?  Aside from studying the usual math/english etc. I'd be all over a subject that I'm interested in.

    As far as friends goes, take up a team sport or join a club.  Don't stress too much about boyfriends at your age, you've got plenty of time for that in the future.

  2. go to co-op thats what i do

  3. If those are the reasons you have given to your parents for not wanting to homeschool, than you have given them reasons why you are not ready to make that decision for yourself. You are too young to have a boyfriend or go out partying. That is a dangerous road to travel, and chances are your parents are trying to keep you away from all that.

    As for making friends, there are activities available outside the home in which you could participate (It sounds like it would be a good idea to find something other than cheering). You just need to look around. Homeschool groups, nonprofit organizations, churches, and community service groups are all good places to check. You don't have to sit around at home all day. It does take extra effort to find ways to meet other people when you are homeschooling, but it can definately be done.

  4. It sounds like you are having a rough time of homeschooling. It also sounds like your homeschooling is nothing like the homeschoolers I know.

    What is stopping you from getting involved in activities and making friends? I know homeschooled teens with boyfriends/girlfriends, so I don't know why you think it's impossible (although, most homeschooled teens I know don't have boyfriends and girlfriends, but that's because they don't see the point of it and are waiting until they're old enough to actually date somebody they could end up marrying). But these kids get out of the house and do things with other people and not just a single cousin. They do things with other homeschooled kids and/or they volunteer and/or they take some sort of lessons/classes in the community and/or they get a job. A bunch of homeschooled teens are going to be doing a 4-day writing workshop soon, and others had a first aid class together; there are book clubs and field trips and dissections and more. The homeschooled teens here are VERY active. It may be the same where you are.

    Do some searching online for a support group near you and find some activities to do. Look in your community rec centre guide for swimming lessons or teen exercise classes. Take some initiative in your education and spend some time learning about something you really want to know about.

    Homeschooling doesn't have to be lonely and boring. DO something. It's really in your hands at this point. Are you going to make the choice to continue being sad and bored or are you going to make the choice to do something to change that?

  5. You are a normal kid, it is just that your mom is providing you with a different education. If you are not involved in a home-schooling group, then your mom may want to get you involved. Homeschool or public school is not all about boyfriends, it is about learning and educating yourself. I just think you need to stop bugging your cousin and stop your complaining. Your mom is doing what she can to provide you with a good education. I don't know if your mom knows this, but you can also get involved in sports at a public school, but just for sports only...or if you have a local recreation center in your area, you can get involved in some sports there as well.

    I mean, can't you see how kids are dressing these days and how they behave in public with no respect? Can't you hear the language that comes out of their mouths when you go to your local mall? Majority of teens in school smoke these days or use drugs. Your mom is better influencing you by teaching you at home in a good environment. I know this, because my two sons are homeschooled too. There ages are 15 and 17. They both enjoy it because they have more time for other projects at home like guitar lessons, how to build an internet site, learn marketing skills, selling stuff on ebay. They still have time for other friends in our block.

    In your area, there has to be a homeschool group for all ages so that when it is time for you to graduate out of High School, you will be graduating with all the other high schoolers too!

    So get yourself involved in some music or play an instrument, crafts, sewing, or what ever interests you. There should also be other subjects to learn like Math, Grammar, Science, History, Foreign Language, Reading, Cooking class in your own kitchen (my son loves that), or even a Typing class. No need to think about marriage just yet, you are too young for that right now.

    Believe me, you will thank your mom for teaching you at home. She is doing this because she loves you and cares about your education. You should thank her for that.

  6. well this is going to sound like the whole grown up answer but I'm 31 years old and was homeschooled, it's all about getting involved, by the way i met my wife 15 years ago as a part of a home school group and we've been married for 10 years.

    Try somting else other than cheer, how about sports, or an art class, it's up to you to make it happen

    good luck

  7. That's really sad honey.  I wonder what your mom is afraid of?  Could she consider a trial period?

    I am a homeschool mom, but the door is always open to my kids going to school. They have lots of outside activities and friends so they don't feel isolated.

    Now, I mean no offense, but my kids also wouldn't use words like "cuz", etc.  Is your mom really putting in the effort to educate you?  If she isn't then you really have a right to that.

    Does your mom have a plan for you for college?  How will you apply, where, what do you want to major in?  Homeschool should be a great and open opportunity to learn at your own pace and study in depth the things that most interest you.  My son is 17 and reading all of Shakespeare's tragedies this year, but he also hangs with friends and plays x-box, watches dumb TV, etc.  It's a balance.

    He's studies a lot about history, is taking French, struggles in math and has looked to apprentice in several fields.  He's getting real life experience.  His sister is 8 and is perfecting her reading, getting started in math, history, ballet, etc.

    Are there homeschool groups you could join?  You should never be bored long if you can study what you want along with all the things you must.  Do you like art?  Are you doing art projects?  Music?  Gym?

    I urge you to perhaps write your mom a thoughtful letter expressing your doubts and your desires.  Thank her for efforts thus far and show your appreciation for her time.  If you can't go to school, maybe volunteer at the library, or church?  Get a part time job?  You should be interacting and meeting people all the time.

    I'm sorry you're having this problem, I hope it gets better for you honey.

    ***You will note that I meant no offense to the question as to whether or not her mom was teaching her well.  My pedestal is not point, kids that are homeschooled generally fair far better than their schooled counterparts.  It saddens me when anyone cheapens the language.  Personal preference.  I mentioned that because she is bored and claims all she does is read, she did not mention any instruction.

    So, my dear you are free to teach however you choose, but please don't judge me because I wish my children to use full sentences and spell correctly 'cuz that's just dumb.  My letter was very friendly I am amazed and amused at how offended people get when they are called out on laziness.  Oh, lovey for someone so "Christian" you're very quick to throw a punch!

    Sorry, 'cuz ya know, like I was just saying...


    Good luck sweetie.

  8. hey I think I would have much rather had home schooling. School is not that great trust me.  Those whores from your cheerleading are the same kind of girls that are in every school. Just be thankful that you are not dealing with that. Maybe you can do more activities perhaps with your church or take a dance class.

  9. i homeschooled for years and, your right, it can be lonely.  However all of those girls at cheer are just like the people at 'real' school.  when you switch from homeschooling the regular schooling you still feel alone the only diff. is that you are suronded by people.

    they are also all idiots, they don't know half of the stuff you know and the classes are mostly just sitting around watching stupid children argue (poorly) with their teachers.  its full of stupid tests that don't test you knowlege or challenge you in any way.

    I know that this is not the answer that you are looking for but it  is an honest answer

  10. I'm in eighth grade and I am also home schooled. I know it feels like no one else is out there, but there are other home schooled kids who feel the same way. I am one of them.

    Sometimes it feels like no one cares, you know, when all of your friends talk about school. I know how you feel! I also feel that when I talk 2 people about homeschooling they talk about like it is a disease or something like that! It is SO annoying. I think part of the reason for that is that people don't understand that we do our work like everyone else. We take classes, we participate in sports, and we have feelings! We are not just "home schooled kids". I have some friends that go to public schools, and they are like "Aren't you gonna go to public school 4 highschool? and Why do you want to homeschool?" It is really annoying and hurtful that my friends don't understand why I am homeschooled.

    Some advantages of homeschooling is that; you can work at your own pace, you don't have other people to bother you, and you can take college classes early. I know this may not mean alot for some people, but I have high hopes for my future, I want to be a chemical engineer. Being home schooled can help in this area and it will help other people who are serious about school.

    As far as your brother and his friends, hes just doing his job, to be annoying, leave you out, and be mean. Deep, deep down siblings really do care. So don't think to much of him.

    I think that if you are stuck at home you should join some co-op classes or a sports team. I play volleyball and have a 2 day a week co-op.

    Don't worry about trying to get a boyfriend now. I know it seems like everyone has one, but most of my friends don't and neither do I. I know that a boyfriend will come when the time is right. Just wait it out and your time will come! (mine too!!!)

    Don't worry about anyone who tries to put you down. Hold your head up high, have confidence, and be happy being home schooled. Try to be patient with people who don't understand about home schooling, just try to explain it to them, or tell them that you don't want to talk about it. Try talking to your mom and tell her how you feel. Even if you remain being home schooled at least she will know how you feel. You may be surprised to find out that alot of people wish they could home school, so consider yourself lucky. You may not really like school.

    I hope all of this helps you, sorry it was so long, but I know how you feel and I wanted to help. Keep your head held high and hang in there!!!!


  11. my son was home schooled for 4 years..this year i talked with him and he wanted to try public school..i prayed hard about this..i let him go because he was having the same feelings as you are.

    try to write your mom a letter..write everything down and explain to her  how you feel..don't just talk about the bad stuff..sympathize with her thoughts as being a parent wanting the best for her children..also..weigh everything out son..he thought it was going to be so great..public school is hard..the work is extremely hard..he has homework all the time..and kids are cruel..he is on the football he has a really hard time adjusting to everything..however if i see that things are going down hill..ill pull him out and home school again.

    i can understand exactly where your mom is coming from..pray about this also.

    is your dad in your life that you can talk with him about this?

    ..also:::lorinhl  ::she used the word cuz this doesn't mean her mother is not teaching her well!!

    wow u kno why belittle her..she is hurting enough as is...

    people like..."lorinhl "  really upset me..get off your pedestal and stop thinking u kno everything Ur kids r doin..cuz u don't!

  12. I know how you feel I was homeschooled it does suck you never get to do anything & you have no friends, its like nobody your age even knows you exist. But there are some pros you never have to stand up in front of an entire classroom & give an oral report & you never have to get up & make it to school on time & maybe (if your curriculum allows) you can graduate early.

  13. You're in grade 8, so there is no concern about finding a boyfriend or getting married.  Believe me, at that age, boys are not thinking about it.  As for making other friends, I'm not sure I can really help you... I went to public school, and it was not easy to make friends there either...  Join activities you like, you might find friends that way!

  14. I dont get why you cant have both an active social life and still be homeschooled!  Ask your mom to join a local homeschool group or ask to go places that teens congregate.  That way you can make some friends.  For example, my teenage daughter joined the local theater which is where she met most of her public schooled friends.  We became part of a large very active homeschool group where she made many friends and met her boyfriend.  She has been to dances and parties (some with homeschoolers and some with kids from public school)  Tell your mom you need friends and ask her to help you find a solution!  The girls from your cheer team are typical teenage girls in the public school system and I cant imagine you want to deal with that every day.  I promise you that most homeschoolers have an active social life, you just have to put a little more effort into it.  And from what I have seen with my own kids, there is alot less drama in the homeschoolers social life and much deeper friendships.

  15. If you're bored and lonely, that's not the homeschooling, that's your mom not letting you get out and have friends and party. I mean, my son is in 7th grade and he's always out at someone's house, or they are here (they prefer my house because I'm the only one not limiting TV or video games or telling them to get out)

    His girlfriend goes to public school, she lives around the block and comes over to our house after school most days. Doesn't anyone live by you?

    You've been Disney-fied, prom isn't like cinderella all sweet and romantic, it's like any other party. Go to "Not back to school" camp and have fun there, they even have an unprom that is awesome. There is plenty to do as a homeschooler, just change your attitude and get out to make friends.

  16. Having hardly any friends isn't caused from being homeschooled. I'm homeschooled and I have tons of friends.

    Take some classes...join clubs...try out youth groups...take up a sport. MANY places to get friends besides school.

    Try some of those things..not only will that fix the problem of no friends it will give you things to do so you won't be bored. What do you like? Playing an instrument? Dancing? Art? So many things you could do. The great thing about being homeschooled is that you have more time to do the things you love. Find things you love to do and do them. If you were going to public school you'd be going to school, coming home and doing homework and doing it all over the next day. That sounds even more boring then being homeschooled.

    You have it good--better than any kid going to public school.

  17. Hi there :)

    I went to public school all my life.  I was miserable, lonely, and shy.  

    There is no magic ingredient to happiness.  There are no guarantees.  The only thing you can do is to grab hold of your life in whatever situation you find yourself and make it work for you.

    My son, who is 15, is homeschooled.  He's been homeschooled since he was 8.  In the seven years that he's been homeschooled, we've lived in two different countries and three different states.  He's in a situation that makes it difficult to keep friends.  He has to work at it.  He has a handful of really good friends, but they did not simply plop into his life.   He had to put himself out there, put himself in uncomfortable situations, and meet people.  You can do this too!

    Are there any homeschool groups in your area?  Is there a youth, community or teen centre nearby?  Any programs at your local library?  How about 4-H?

    Your mother must have her reasons for insisting you remain homeschooled.  This part of your situation cannot be changed, so take control of what you can.  It's the only thing any of us can do.

    Do me a favor and tell your mother that some random person on the net says that your brother needs to be more compassionate.  It is the one rule in my house on which I do not bend:  siblings must love and respect each other whether they like it or not :p

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