
I'm homeschooled, so Facebook kicked me off!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in highschool, so I just joined the highschool network closest to where I live, but after sixty days, they kicked me off! When I joined with my other e-mail address under the network of the region I live in, they said I wasn't over eighteen, so guess what? I was kicked off AGAIN!

Anyone find a SOLUTION to this yet? I can't think of anything.

I did write them and gave them the name of my homeschool curriculum, but they say the homeschool wasn't "big" enough.

Any solutions?




  1. well there no age limit of having one of your page .. and just put down a fake school thing .. dont say that your home schooled .. then you will be equal like all of the other kids  are . and it wont make you feel that your missing out to anyhting ..

  2. just get one under "no network". you don't need to have a school listed. i dunno because i haven't checked, but if there's an age requirement (like must be 18), lie or use your parents info or something. i have alot of freinds who did that, and they aren't even homeschooled.

  3. Facebook is biased like that.

    All my friends have pretended to go to the same school, or said that they're in their 20s.

  4. idk put down a fake school and age

  5. lie about your age, you don't have to put a high school, thats what my friend did.

  6. i recently switched to homeschooling and haven't updated my info yet...and after this, i don't think that i will!

    why don't you try re-joining your old high school network?

    i owuld be sooo pisssed if that happened to me!

  7. Hi! I am a homeschooled student, so I know just how you feel. Below is an email I received from Facebook.


    Unfortunately, at this time, Facebook does not support most homeschool networks.  Our high school networks are based around a model of community verification.  Because of their size, homeschools are inherently hard to prove an affiliation with. If your homeschool program provides an email address to its students, however, please let us know, and we will investigate the possibility of adding it as a network.  These email domains are an alternative way for us to verify an affiliation with a school.  You will need to email usfrom this school affiliated address and tell us the name and location

    of the homeschool.

    I'm sorry if our policies on this matter present any inconvenience.  In the future, we will consider new ways to integrate homeschools into the site. Let me know if you have any further questions.

    Thanks for contacting Facebook,


    User Operations


  8. I don't understand that.   My son is homeschooled and in grade 9.  He has a facebook page.  He just didn't write down anything in the highschool spot.

  9. create a name for your homeschool or if their is a group of homeschoolers in your area agree to a name and then all of you join so that facebook can not say that your school is not big enough.

  10. WHAT???!!!  That is so unfair!!!  I'm mad!!!


  11. Alot of HSers have complained to facebookabout this. Keep talking until you are heard. There must be a solution.

  12. Why don't you try creating a generic "Homeschooled" school, then encourage every homeschooler you know to join? That way, you aren't limited by who has your exact curriculum. Plus, you'll probably meet some cool people.

  13. That aint right. I am homeschooled. So i have one. Its ok to put down fake age. NOT SCHOOL! Well i had to put down fake school and may be kiked off because of it!


  15. That's bs. I know many homeschooling teens on facebook.  I think it's just the local group, not facebook.

    sorry, that sucks.

  16. Yeah, it's very unfair. I know a homeschooled teen who ran into problems. Facebook's regulations, for whatever reason, say that you have to be with a school that has a network in order to be online, and someone from that network has to confirm you actually do go to that school. Makes no sense to me whatsoever! A growing number of parents I know are allowing their kids to give a false birthdate to be allowed on it because there is no rhyme nor reason for Facebook's rule on this and there really is no other way around it.

  17. thats not right. No one should be kicked of a face book just because of were they go to school or there age.

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