
I'm homeschooled and going back to a regular school next year, really need an answer?

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I am going back to the same school that I left at the beginning of the year. I took their placement exam before 9th grade, will I have to take it again before tenth? The state makes you take an exam to see if you are ready to move on to the next grade but will I have to take that test since I'm homeschooled? will I have to take it to get into the regular school for tenth grade? Also, since my brother goes to the school, would that have any effect on me having to take a test for the school?




  1. This is a questions that is almost impossible to answer, because the rules vary from school system to school system. I would imagine that your brother's attendance at that school will having nothing to do with whether or not you have to take the placement exam. I'm sure you will do fine on the exam if you need to take it. Relax!

  2. You (or your parents) will need to talk to someone at the school to find out. If you have taken any standardized tests during this year of homeschooling, show them the results and you might not be required to retake the school exam.

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