
I'm homeschooled; i just transered out of public school; and im really bored and i wanna do something;?

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any suggestions??




  1. Don't listen to that first person who posted. Chances are he/she has never been homeschooled and knows nothing about homeschooling save perhaps that the name implies you spend all your time at hom. This of course isn't true.

    What kind of classes do you take? I started homeschooling in 9th grade and because of the total academic freedom I was able to choose classes that were actually challenging... I managed to stay an entire grade level (or more in some areas) ahead of my peers and because the work was more involved it was really interesting and fun, and i could go in depth and study things I'm interested in like psychology, art, robotics, music, as well as the things I need for college. Also, you should try looking around your community for youth centers, library functions, sports teams, music lessons, art studios, dance classes, equestrian schools, volunteer opportunities, and whatever else might be available that you could get into. Homeschool associations/support groups can be a big help too if youc an find one you feel you fit in with.

  2. It all depends on why you are homeschooling and how responsible you are for your own education.  Homeschooling is not for people who are waiting to be spoon fed knowledge and it is not for people who can't think  for themselves, at least not in the long term.  You need to unlearn the psychology of brick and mortar school and learn self discipline as these other homeschooling students have done.  

    If your parents have properly assumed the responsibility for overseeing your education at home, then tell them you do not have enough challenge in the material or work to do.  You are new to the concept, and so until you can do as some of the very wise homeschoolers who have responded to you so far....and learn to keep yourself constructively occupied....get your parents to help you figure this out.  There is always a period of adjustment for those who have not done homeschooling all along.

    If you are doing a public school at home program, then you need to talk to your on line instructors and let them know.  Homeschooling does not take nearly as long as a normal day at traditional school.  There is no wasted time with assemblies, class changes, announcements etc.  It is work...and so you need to learn how to fill the time with educational endeavors.  

    Listen to these successful homeschoolers who are trying to help you.  They don't deserve thumbs down, they deserve kudos.

  3. OK, I homeschool my kids and I don't know why people think you can stop public school and not replace it with other that you are homeschooled you have to find/create oportunies to  socialize-join a church and go to the youth things on Sundays and Wednesdays, volunteer (you local fire department probably has an Explorers Program, or if you are interested, join the Civil Air Parol, you local library could probably use some help), start some classes, such as dance, music, art, or join a community college to take some classes-there are a billion and one things you could do, but now that you are homeschooled YOU have to take responsibility for that-you are no longer having false socializaion shoved down your throat, so you have to start looking for real-life social scenarios to become involved in.

    If you are just looking for something to do in you spare time, how about learning a language, exercising, journaling, blogging, reading, doing projects.

  4. I used to be home schooled.  Try to find a group to join.  You'll be surprised at how many groups there are close to you.  You'll also be able to find some other people your age that you can get to know.  Find something you're interested in and get more involved with it.  For example, if you like theater, you could get involved in a community theater.  Also, being home schooled gives you more time to get your school work done and you could get a job for the extra time you have.  Get creative.

  5. Go back to public school because you will have no social life.

  6. As a homeschooler, the possibilities are endless really!  Here are some things you might consider:

    ~Sports - You don't even have to play, you could be a manager, referee, or a coach

    ~Music - Take private lessons on an instrument.  Already know how to play?  Give lessons or join an orchestra/band.

    ~A job - It can be nice to work with adults while most of the teenage population is still in class.

    ~Teach - Become a tutor to younger kids.

    ~ Volunteer - I cannot think of any volunteer group that would turn away an extra hand.

    ~Campaign - My family has always volunteered on campaigns becuase they are full of excitment, fast paced, and you get to meet the most interesting people!

    ~Homeschool groups - I was never in a hs group becuase I did not want to give up time for any of my other activities, but my sister loves getting together with her homeschool group.

    Don't like any of my suggestions?  Form your own group!  What is stopping you?  Simply find other people with a similar interest and viola! Good luck!

  7. It's a big adjustment, isn't it? Going from having all your minutes dictated to having a lot of free time on your hands?

    This is the time to learn more about yourself. Sounds corny, I know, but it really is. You've spent years not being allowed to figure out yourself--you've been at the mercy of the system and have had little time to pursue your own interests so probably don't even know what half of them are.

    Start with any topic that interests you--playing an instrument, music in general, art, crafts, some science thing, a famous person, a sport, anything--and take it from there. There's a huge world full of so much that you'd never be able to learn or experience it all in your lifetime. You've got a chance now to actually do some of it instead of spending your day in a building being told what to do. Just boldly venture out. :)

  8. I'm in the same situation...

    yesterday, I cleaned the whole kitchen and did all of our dishes, cleaned the catbox, cleaned both bathrooms, did 7 loads of laundry, and took 2 tests. Not only did it take up a lot of my time, my parents were really happy with me and gave me a big bonus on my allowance. Just find something... anything really.

  9. Pending what type of homeschooling your doing it can be exciting. You just have to sit down and put a plan together.  

    Take all the suggestions that the previous guys/gals have given you - do your personal research and make it happend.

    Don't forget the Local library usually offer free education programs that they offer monthly.

  10. ok the first person who posted in a loser. I have a better social life now then i did when i was in school. Find friends to hang out with, join a team, answer qquestions on ya. lol. i am a senior homeschooler, i love being homeschooled! get a job or sth. but i promise my parents trust me like crazy its great. I can do whatever i want basically whenever. good luck kiddo

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