
I'm homeschooled now. Should I go back to highschool?

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I'm 16. Sophomore. I left highschool to be homeschooled within one month of my freshman year because:

A) I'm not a people person, B) It's hard for me to concentrate with other people around, and C) I have a skin problem that effects my work, and my mood. [eczema]. I'm in 10th grade now. My skin is pretty much cleared up, STILL not a people person, but I do miss being out of my house and was considering going back. The catch is, for my cyber school you only need 3 credits of each subject, but for my public school you need 4 of each. If I go back to public school I have to do an extra year of work I don't necessarily need [not going to uni. just community college] but if I stay in cyber school, I'll be less stressed, and my senior year I'll be able to focus on my last credit of english getting a job since I had already received all my credits the previous highschool years.

It's a really tough decision, but I think I'm leaning towards staying homeschooled, but I don't know!




  1. I am in cyber school and like you I left because I am not a people person and cyber school seems to be working out for me very well! Also like you I miss highschool every now and then but if you keep contact with the people you miss its fine. I too hate being stuck in the house but I find ways to get out. Really its your decision, what feels right for you. Since you are easily stressed around people maybe it is best to stay homeschooled and its always a plus having one credit less in each subject!

    Hope things work out for you! =)

  2. It may not seem like it now but you have the rest of your life to socialise. I'm not even in contact with anyone I went to school with any more, just university and work mates and other friends I met through mutual interests. Highschool is MASSIVELY over rated.

  3. Seek a therapist.

  4. you should go to public school cause there are nessities that are not taught at home

  5. Well, I can see from your extra details that there are many more good reasons to continue homeschooling than there are bad ones.

    High school can be pretty crazy.. there's lots of stress, and it just doesn't sound like it's for you.

    If I were you, I'd continue to homeschool... your education helps you throughout life, not friends you meet in highschool. BUT, if you're feeling a little bit lonely being homeschooled, you could always join a club or see if there's any other homeschoolers in your community! =)

    Another option is to ask your parent(s) or guardian about what they think; it may help a lot. ;D

    I wish you the best of luck!

  6. You need to do what you feel comfortable doing. Maybe if you continue to stay homeschooled you could just stay more active by joining a club or holding some sort of a block party. There's no point in doing unnecessary work. And if you'll be able to get your English finished up by your senior year you should definitely stay homeschooled. Of course, staying social and having friends is important. However, you can always invite them over for a movie night or shopping after you get your work done.

  7. Google homeschool groups in your area.  You might find a group that has high school book club, debate, 4-h and other curricular activities.

  8. i have excema too! just on my hands.

    nobody ever says anything except they might tell me to get some lotion then i tell them i have a skin disease and they feel guilty. [= its no big deal.

    and im really shy first it'll probably be hard for you around public school but the more you're around it, the more you'll get used to it. its something in the real world you should face, and high school's the best time to do it.

    i say definitely go. [:

  9. Go back....Sometimes the best memories out of life where hard things....

    I tried to take the easy way out....And I regret it now....


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