
I'm homeschooling and wondering what I should teach for each grade?

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Kindergarten is for learning how to read, your abc's, numbers, ect.

1st grade is for practing reading, writing, abc's, numbers, and spelling.

I was wondering specifically what you teach for each other grade up to twelve.

If you could explain each grade or give me a website that would, that'd be helpful.




  1. By second grade easy reader books.  Into addition, subtraction.

    Third and fourth grade multiplaction, division.

    Sentence diagraming.

    By fourth grade you should be able to read a book like Charloettes Web with no help.

    In Private School they taught FRENCH in the fourth grade.

    Spanish in the fifth grade.

    By fourth grade Earth Sciences.  Weather, astronomy, geology.

    Local history from year one to present.

    Art.  Simple art.  Drawing with temperas

    Music.  Choir.  We did Public Domain folk songs a lot, because of copyright restrictions.  Santa Lucia type stuff.

    Australian stuff.  Once a jolly swagman  (Waltzing Matilda)

    waited while his billy boiled.

    We learened the staff the notes the timing.

    You can probalby use Karakoe today

    You can use the Auto Harp.  If you can't play, buy one and look at the sheet music and just press a button for Majors and Minors and stroke it every measure.

    That's all our music teacher did.

    In the 5th more astronomy, some physics stuff (heating a can with some water and capping it and show how it crushes when cooled), some more weather stuff.

    Geography.  States, countries, capitals.


    6th grade decimals, world history, english literautre, writing essays and compostions more music, art, PE or gym

    7th grade factions, introduction algebra and variables.

    More Earth Science.  Practiacal things around the home like fixing a light socket, cooking a meal, reading, writing.  World history.

    8th grade.  Macro history.  Things like the Mercantile system, the Feudal system.  The Rennesance.  The dark Ages.

    Algebra 1 and 2

    Typing or computer work (you can do this FAR sooner)

    We had shops.  Plastics, metal, fibre glass, electronics.

    You can buy kits from Edmunds or Radio Shack.

    Go to hobbie stores and buy stuff.

    More English literature.  Reading plays, poems, short stories, classics (Dickens, Most Dangerous Game, Shakespear)

    More advanced astronomy, weather, geology, botony.

    A foreing language or more studies.

    9th Geometry, Biology, more Earth Science.

    Drama, music, choir.  Performance level.  Personal instrument like guitar, piano.

    More reading, writing.

    More macro history.  The National Studies.  Government.

    10th  Trigonometry, computer programming.  Lab biology.

    Drama.  More Music.  Advanced langauge Spanish, French German

    11th Algebra 3/4, more language.  English grammar and compositon.  More macro history.  Math Chemistry or Physics.

    Wriiting in a style format, APA, HArvard, Chicago

    12th.  Pre Calculus or Calcus.  More grammar, compsition, vocabulary, writing.  Civics (modern polictics current events), Economics, Psychology, Math Chemistyr or Physics.  STatistics.  

    More writing in a sytle format (APA, HARVARD, CHCICAGO)

    More foreign langauge if available.

    College wants to see


    Lab Biology

    Lab Chemistry or Phsyics

    Econ or Stats

    2 year Foreign Langauge (Private and Universities only)

    High English Grammar and Composition.  The ability to know styles, citations, table of authorities.

    Background in World History and Modern Politics


    Earth Sciences

    Arts (music, drama, drawing)

    Most Colleges want to see a CIRRICULUM that covers the basics, a good SAT/ACT score, Universities and Private Schools want 2 years Foreign Langauge verbal and reading and wrting.  English Grammar and Comp.  History.  WRiting in format.

    They want an ESSAY as to why they should take you

    You will be TESTED for MATH and ENGLISH

    Comunity college put you in baby classes if you lack skills.

    Colleges and Universities tend to REJECT you if you don't have decent enough MATH and ENGLISH skills.

    A private college MAY take you without foreign langauge but they will MAKE you take it (and it won't count as graduation credit) and one year college language = 2+ years high school language.

    They MOVE fast in college.

    ALL colleges make you take COLLEGE MATH (algebra Trig) and COLLEGE ENGLISH (Grammar and Composition) and POLY SCIENCE OR HISTORY.

    These are VITAL to A BA DEGREE

    All colleges make you take 1 year SCIENCE, but in a Liberal Arts major it can be simple.  Botony, general biology, general chemsitry, observational astronomy (if offered), oceanograpyy, geology.

    SCIENCE and MEDICAL majors must take LOADS of Biology, Antatomy, Chemistry, Biochemsitry, Organic Chemistry

    Science majors must take high math, statistics.

    College course demand FORMATTED STYLE (APA, Chicago, Harvard) with 7-20 references annotated

    ALL majors require this.

    This is how you get your Masters Degree

    A MAsters degree is a BOOK (60-100 pages) about a slice of a topic mostly culled from REFERNECE SOURCES (annotated) and you own PERSONAL experiences researching.  It shows a conculsion to a dilema.

    You cite a problem and then solve it using reference sources and your own brain.

    It must PASS the muster of the ENTIRE DEPARTMENT and it becomes PART of the LIBRARY at the college.

    Hence is must be METICULOUS

    A PH D often requires you BREAK NEW GROUND and TEACH THE TEACHERS SOMETHING, again, using reference sources, citations and YOUR OWN inginuity devising a measuring, testing method that shows a CONCLUSION that was not know before and impresses the entire staff.

    It, too, becomes part of the LIBRARY at the school you gradaute AND the school you teach at.

    These are called "independent studies" and are required for MS and PH D students.

    The methods come from the lower grades 10-16

    Where you learn to research, document and present in a formatted form.

    You job is to take something most books spen half a page on and rant and rave (with citations, references, quotes) for 80 - 100 pages and then you present a conclusion or something NEW about the topic.

    Your job is to go out and find references everywhere, dig, dig and dig until you uncover everything and then present it and tell them what you think it means.

    When it impresses them they make you a Master or Doctor and shrine your work in the library for ALL to see in perpetuity.

  2. well for grade 9 and above u might need specific text book .. do u have any in mind yet ??

  3. The very best advice I can give is to join HSLDA:

    The site has all the info you need  along with local support groups and legal protection.

  4. Your state board of ed will have the state standards for the public school kids in your state.  You can follow that, or "do your own thing".  Many curriculums have set scope and sequences which helps.  The Core Knowledge Foundation books, "What Your X Grader Needs to Know" are also a good start.

    Here is a link with a good scope & sequence:

  5. You could look up your state department of education's website.  It will give you a detailed list of what students should be learning at each grade level and in each subject.  Contact your local homeschool group - they can be a tremendous resource about this.  Also, the publisher of the materials you are using will have a curriculum guideline for each grade level.  Your local library should have some good books such as "Mary Pride's Complete Guide to Getting Started in Homeschooling," "What Your __ Grader Needs to Know," or "The Well Trained Mind."

    Homeschooling is a worthwhile endeavor.  I wish you success.

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