
I'm homeschooling?

by Guest67017  |  earlier

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I was going to go to highschool this year (freshman) but my mom and I decided to homeschool since I miss alot of days and they are strict there.But my question is whats it like and how do you keep yourself from getting bored during the day?I'm really nervous about it since I don't have many friends.




  1. If you want to make more friends, then find somewhere to volunteer. My sons volunteer at church with the younger kids. There are a lot of other teen volunteers too. Get involved with your church youth group.

    Find an online group of homeschooler to connect with too. You will be doing school 3-5 hours a day so you will have time to read for pleasure, learn an instrument, take art classes or something like that.

    Best of Luck,


  2. i have friends online and keep in touch with a few good online friends i've known for years,i just study all day or watch tv and play video games but mostly think since it is home school.

  3. Well, I'm not homeschooled yet, so I wouldn't know. But I have alot of friends who are homeschooled.

    They don't have to study a certain amount of time and they don't have to cram it all in their head. It's easier to learn things. One of my friends, Amy, she just messes around all day when her school work is done. She cooks, does chores, watches soap operas with her mom, listens to music, going walking. And then at the end of the day she hangs out with her friends.

    And most of them are in a homeschool group. Or youth group. You can meet friends pretty much anywhere. Library, church. What are your hobbies? Join a club. No, really. :)

  4. Home schooling is diferent then highschool because it is student motivated. Some people really thrive in this enviroment and some don't.

    Personally, I live in a medium-large city so I find it easy to meet people just by getting out and being involved in the community. I know a lot of sucessful homeschoolers who also choose to spend more time at home on their own working.

    It depends how you study best. If being social is important to you then joining classes through various community outlets, or some highschools will let you join their drama or sports teams if you are homeschooled to conect with other local teenagers.

    The great thing about homeschooling is you get to keep yourself busy. So you don't have to waste time on pointless make work excersises apointed by the school bored. Your free to explore the world around you and have the time to research and learn about the things that are important to you and your future.

    I recomend Grace Llewellyn's book The Teenage Liberation Handbook for anyone thinking of quiting highschool and getting on with life.

    Cheers and good luck!

  5. I was homeschooled all my life, so I know sometimes you can get really bored.  However, becuase you aren't entering freshman year, the next few are going to be the most important.  You're going to have to prove A LOT to colleges, and it may not seem like its pretty far off now, but trust me when you are ready to start applying you may regret not having done this or that.  When it comes to finding things to do, get into something outside the house that will be good to have on your transcript/ "high school resume".  I was in Girl scouts for 13 years so by that time i was in a good position, but in highschool I got a huge amount of leadership experience, board of directors, national board, representative and gold award recipient, then I joined Boy Scouts in 9th grade, the first year that you can, lots of leadership too, tons of fun, and the guys were great friends! Then if you live in a rural there's 4-H clubs that you can do with a group or by yourself.  No matter where you live theres something great to do, if you like the outdoors, and happen to own a GPS system, geocaching...which can go on your "resume"  basically anything that you do with other people, that educational can be considered as extra curricular activities.  I used to love listening to books on tape and working on models, or jigsaw puzzles, and I read tons of books  (hint:  make a book list out of what you read every year, reading classics are really important to colleges.)  I liked technology so I built a bunch of robots, tore apart computers, and tried to think up my own inventions. I became a semstress and learned to knit, and embroider (btw great x-mas presents)  , studied my parents old college books, learned 3 languages, played tons of videogames, had a whole chemistry lab set up my basement (too my parents dismay...i set the basement on fire once) not to mention when your at home you don't have to stick to the English, Math, science, history adgenda, if you have extra time find something new to interest a culture, and find a unit study online, or a book on activities for that culture.  unfortunately most aren't geared for high school students, but adapt them to find something new to do artsy or otherwise. i liked ancient Egypt, and modeled and painted my own set of canopic jars with modeling clay.  There are hundreds and hundreds of things to do in your spare time.  I didn't have to many friends either. I knew all kinds of people, not like one specific group of kids, aka, i didn't associate with cliques really at all.  I was just friendly with everyone, and apparently people didn't like that becuase I never had any true friends.  Unfortunately another part of it may have been becuase I didn't make much time for friends, and they were usually in school anyway, but there were just so many things to do, i felt I could never get everything done that I ever wanted to.

    Just know one thing, to get a good education while being homescooled you have to be very determined, and goal oriented.  This is very, very import.  It may seem from what i wrote above that I had tons of time on my hands, and that I had time to do all this, but i'll be honest.  I would wake up around 8 take 1/2 hour to eat and get ready to start my classes for the day, take about an hour for lunch if that, maybe even work through studies while I ate, and wouldn't finish my regular school work until late at night sometimes not until or after my dad would get home from work at 8 or 9.  The reason for this was, I knew with a lot of work, more than you think might be necessary, I could take accelerated classes and hopefully get into a really good school. Like I said before, its a lot harder to prove your education as a homeschooler to colleges than it is for a normal student. But do enjoy it!  Homeschooling is a great experience with sooo many opportunities!  If you have any questions about how to get into things, or homeschooling or what to do anything, feel free to contact me.  Ashley-

  6. It's really quite fun. You can do schoolwork whenever you want, and then do whatever you want for the rest of the day. You can keep in touch with your friends or get together with them after school. It's possible you can join a homeschooling group if there is one in your area; then you could meet new people your age and make new friends. I hope you love it!
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