
I'm hurt and can't quit calling him. WHY?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so this is a continuation of my first question about how to get over this nasty breakup. I have ZERO self control when it comes to calling him and asking "WHY". how do I keep from humiliating myself even more and WALK away? He's been my constant "go to" person for over 2 years and now I don't know what to do. I;m normally not this needy and insecure, but this is taking a huge toll.




  1. I have been in this type of situation. It is very humiliating. I mean somehow people expect to get over it, but here you are calling him, thinking about him, constantly over and over again. The best thing you should do is move on, leave him alone. Do not make yourself look so needy and pushy. I was quite like this, i was needy and wanted him so bad, it's so does not look good on a girl.

    Do not make yourself look like he has you eating at the palms of his hands. We have to know our limits and when it's over, it over. Move on and live life. But like i said i've been in your situation and it is very hard to get over him and try not to constantly think about him, text him, im him, call him. And yes, i still do think about him but i got over the needy ways as in calling him, and texting him. I had to pratically write on my hand DO NOT CALL HIM! hahah lol

    You know you go out there and be open to your friends and tell them situation and get them to help you stop. Honestly you can't stop yourself. Get him to change his number or yourself to change your number and don't give him your number. Think of ways that you can avoid him. Oh i made a playlist of all hatred and revenge songs and honestly it did quiet well. Don't put sad songs and feel meaningless, put songs that are gonna make you remember why you guys broke up in the first place. Think of songs that will make you wanna hate him even more. And get back your diginity girl. Being needy, is something guys don't like seeing. You need to make yourself very busy as well, make your calender filled with great weekends, parties, sleep over, shopping and all kinds of things to get you out of the house and not make you think of him. Just try to enjoy your life, as possible no matter how hard the heartache is.

    Well Hope that Helps you.



  2. you definitely just love him. that's it. how do you want to handle it by the way? do you want to end it right now or win him back? ah ok, u want to end this crazy thing in you? you need to sink into something more worth of your time - try hanging out with some of your good looking friends - much more good looking than your ex- ok? try it then give me the 10points if it's effective hmkay? :)

  3. I know what you mean.  It really hurts and it just takes time to get past the hurt and that time is gonna suck.  Just let yourself feel needy and depressed and don't think this is bad or that you have to make yourself change.  You WILL start to feel better in your own time!

    As for calling him - after you call, do you feel better or worse?  If the phone calls make you feel worse then try thinking about that when you are tempted.  If you can resist for ten minutes, that is a start.  Maybe the next time you'll resist for a half hour, and then maybe longer, etc.

    Take care of yourself hon, it'll get better.

  4. Yeah this will be very hard for you, but you have to understand that the more you call him the more your going to push him away from you. You are probably making him think you are going to be that "crazy ex". You dont wanna be that. Find an ego boosting activity to do, forget him, obviously he has made it clear that he doesnt want to be with you so make it obvious to him that you are strong and can move on in your life. Talk to other guys, even If you have no romantic intentions, it will make you feel attractive. Plus you have to get to know yourself again. You are no longer you and him. Now you are you and you need to embrace that.

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