
I'm in 11th grade and according to administration I can't get out of the ESE program?

by  |  earlier

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Despite having As and Bs in normal classes.

Despite not being in a single ESE class.

Despite being in One honors class.

I thought if I worked hard and pushed myself to my full potential I could pull myself out of the ESE program and now I find out its not possible. So what's the pont of still being in ESE? I work at the same rate as everyone else and recieve no special anything during class.




  1. You're a cash cow. Schools recieve extra money form both the state and federal government for every ESE student they have enrolled. If the ESE student in question doesn't need any services, or is no longer LD, that money can funnelled to other programs. I know, because I've been in the same situation you were in. I entered ESE when I was in the second grade, and it took me until I was 16 to get out. I was never in an ESE class, never had a major problem with school, nothing. I was just like you. I didn't even know the name of my LD until I was 15.

    There is a way out of the program, if you're really that upset about they way you're treated. However, I don't think you'll like it. It's called self handicapping. Trash your grades, stop doing homework, quit all your extra curriculars, skip class, and talk back to teachers. Basically, give the school an ultimatum: Let you out of the program, or spend the money that you now know they're getting for you to treat your new 'problems'. Removing you will be the easiest option, because they won't have to lose time and effort on you, on top of the money.

    I did that for almost four years. They finally got rid of me when I was 16, most likely because I had begun talking about dropping out. I just didn't care anymore, no matter what I did, I was going to be LD. Thats the only way I know to get out, short of contacting elected officials. I can understand if thats not the way you want to go. Just be aware that the reason you're still in ESE, is not to treat you, but to use you for whatever money they can get. Its degrading.

  2. Your parents (or you, depending on your age), can get your ESE status taken off, but consider this first:  there are special scholarships available to ESE students that are not available to regular ed students.  If you keep your ESE status, plus your grades remain A's and B's in regular classes, and you take honors classes, there are more scholarship and grant opportunities open to you.

    There are many reasons for remaining ESE, including money, but you can make that work for you, too.  Please don't do as someone else suggested and totally meltdown and s***w up your schooling as someone else suggested.

    Good luck!

  3. Have your parent's request an IEP meeting from case manager or special ed resource teacher. If you turn 18 before leaving school, you can do this yourself.

    At the meeting, Have your parents request that you be dismissed from ESE services. If they refuse, have your parents request formal academic testing. They cannot keep you in ESE if your academic testing shows you are on target.

    Actually, it is illegal for the school to refuse to dismiss you from ESE if your parents request it. Before the meeting your parents will be given a booklet called Procedural Safeguards. In it, there is the process that you can go through if you disagree with the IEP team's decision.

    It would be a good idea for your parents to tell the team that they are going to ask for a "due process" hearing. Most school districts do not want to hear those words and will usually bend unless it is something egregious, which your request is not.

    Go to the Wright's Law website to find out your rights. It is the best place ever for finding out about ESE law.

    I can't imagine them resisting dismissal if your parent's request it, though.

  4. Drake if you really feel you need to get out then ask your parents to sign you out if they say no then you are going to have to wait until 18 sorry I know its suxs but you can't always get what you want

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