
I'm in 7th grade. I just chose my track events. First meet is on Friday. Tell me about these events?

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My stupid track coach hasn't even practiced any of the field events with us because she is too dead set on running and running until we all pass out! Can someone tell me about each of these events that I chose? I had no idea what to pick since I've never done any of them and we've never practiced them because this is my first year doing track.

-7x100 meter relay [with the baton]


-Triple Jump

Best description on ALL of the events will get 10 points/best answer! Thanks to all in advance :)




  1. 7x100?? I don't think there is such a think.  But to run the best in this event work on your handoffs.  Those can really make or break how well you do.  Also, to encourage myself while i run a relay, i think about my other teammates.  I think about if i s***w up they will be angry, if i don't they will be happy with me and we might get a medal or ribbon.  

    Hurdles- You need to practice your form.  I am not a hurdler so i dont know the correct form.  If you don't practice that, then you will probabaly hurt yourself.  Do NOT kik both legs up at the same time, if one of them was to catch, you would fall face first.  But don't worry, the right form and you almost never get hurt.

    Triple Jump-YEAH!!! I triple also.  Basiaclly triple jump is when you run on a 6 step, sometimes a 8 step.  You have what you call is a board.  That is the mark you will jump from.  You put the very top of your foot on the end of the board and run.  Depending how you are, for example ill say i use the right foot to jump off of.  You would put your right foot on the board and run 6 steps.  12 altogether, you only count your 6 on the right.  Once you run 6 steps, put a piece of tape down and measure that.  remember that mark.  Now the actual jumping.  Start from your tape mark,  run six or eight steps remember depending, then on your 6th or 8th step JUMP.  First you jump with one foot off your starting foot.  Next is a bound.  Which is taking a huge step with your opposite foot.  Now once you are on your opposite foot, which as much force, try to fly as foward as you can into the pit.  

    GOOD LUCK Hope i helped you out! ♥

  2. ok then, 7x100m relay i have never heard of in my whole life and ive done athletics for 11 years. im guessing thats its a relay, but im not sure if it consists of 7 people running 1 100 each but thats what im guessing.

    hurdles are my alltime fave event. all you do is run in about 10 meters and then run over a series of bars. each about 5 meters apart depending on your age and s*x. with hurdles you need to know how to do them properly. when i said run over them thats what you need to do, dont jump over them or you could hurt yourself. put the leg you jump with (the leading leg) over the hurdle first so that it is straight out and then bring the other leg (the follower) around quickly so that when it goes over its in an upside down right angle.

    triple jump is sort of like long jump but you have two extra steps. first is the hop, try and hop as far as you can, then do the step, the step is the hardest and then jump. if you can do about 3 meters for each you got yourself 9m easy. hope it helped! good luck with your events.

    p.s. before you have your hurdles race practice going over them.

  3. 7x100 relay is just a relay. So will have(I'm guessing) 6 other teamates, and you each run 100m.  When you get up to the end of your 100m, your team mate in front of you will start running, and you catch up and pass them the baton. Be sure to hold it at the top or bottom, not middle, so its easy for them to hold. When your about 10 or 5m away, yell at them to start running. This is a sprint

    Hurdles are where you run and jump over the big bar things.  So you'll have several bars to jump over while you run.

    I really like triple jump, but it too me a while to figure out. What you do is a hop, step and a jump. So you run to the sand pit, then launch off by hopping on on foot, then you touch down with your other foot(a long step) and jump landing with two feet(like a long jump)

    I hope I helped. Good luck!

  4. ive never heard of a 7x100 but just run your heart out and focus on those hand offs... a good handoff could be the difference between winning and losing...

    for the hurdles and the triple jump id suggest practicing them before you do them in a meet... it would suck if after all your hard work you get injured

    good luck!

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