
I'm in 8th grade taking algebra 1 but I'm also a 3 sport athlete.?

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Is it to much to do.

Oh yeah I am also in Honors English where we have to read 6 books per quarter




  1. My daughter was in 8th grade last year, and she was in the same situation.  She played 3 sports, took Algebra 1, Spanish 1, and all honors classes.  Yes, she was busy, but she did just fine.  She even had time for a boyfriend, a busy social life, and lots of other activities.

    I think you should give it a try.  People can handle a lot more than they think they can.  In fact, when you're really busy, you tend to be more organized and get things done quicker.  When you know time is short, you use it more wisely... whereas when you have a lot of time on your hands, you tend to put things off until later (and maybe not get them done at all).  

    I see this with the other moms I know, too.  The ladies who are the most involved in PTA, booster clubs, etc. are often the ones who work full time.  Somehow they have the time to volunteer for everything.  On the other hand, many of the stay-at-home moms never seem to have the time to do anything.  Weird, huh?  But it's a well known fact: if you want something done, ask the busiest person you know!  

    So give it a shot.  If it proves to be too much, you can always drop a sport.  But if you want to do it all, give it a try.  If you keep yourself organized, you can do it!

  2. do you like the sports?  are they all at the same time, or are they in different seasons?  That could make a difference.  talk to your parents (i know, it stinks) but they probably should at least know what you're thinking

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