
I'm in China now, and my visa is expired, and im going back to my country on the 3 of august?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so my chinese visa was expired on the 25th of july, and when i tried to extended the persons at the visa center told me.. that they are going to give me back my passport in one week, the problem is that i leave china on the 3rd. Is there a fee for staying longer in china, o what happens if i dont extend it.




  1. Get to your country's embassy and get this straightened out right now. Your not in a friendly country towards visitors.

  2. 500 RMB Per Day, up to 5,000 RMB Max, and /or 10 days in Jail if you dont pay it.  (From Exit and Entry Regulation of China)

    Here's what is going to happen.  When you leave, you may get lucky and not have a deportation stamp added to your passport, BUT - you will not be able to apply for a China visa again for 2 years.  

    If you are not an American, bad things may happen.  For example, if you are from a country residing on the continent of Africa, they may throw you straight in Jail and harvest your organs.

  3. You never should have made departure arrangements for a date after the visa expired to begin with!  First fatal error.  2nd -- You needed to take your passport & visa in for an extension several days before it expired.  The Chinese can get very shirty about overstayers -- it depends which petty Napoleon you get.  Get your little buttski out-ski now!

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