
I'm in Puerto Rico pay my exwife 1,400k in child support and have my kids 7 days a week, help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I am divorced and by law have to pay 1,400k in child support, but I have my kids Mon-Fri from 4pm to 7pm, sometimes later and they spend to day a week with me Tuesday and Saturday I take them back on Sunday. I do there homework and feed them etc... It's like I'm the main care giver, on top of that I pay all this money, it's really draining me financialy, how can I pay less? joint custody ???




  1. You can go back to Court and get the decree modified. Start keeping records of expenses and time. If she will agree to a reduction, it will be easier.  

  2. How about getting a higher paying job?  Seems the most logical thing....and QUIT DOING YOUR CHILDREN'S HOMEWORK!!

  3. Go back to court.....but make certain you can prove the children are with you. The court is usually pretty fair when the father is actively involved.

  4. Child support modification order is needed here.  This is insane!!!  Take care of this.

    The lady who answered above me probably doesn't realize that if you get a higher paying job, that what will happen is they will only take more money out of your check for child support.  Sad but true.

  5. Go back to court and. Discuss this with your ex wife and come to an agreement. Than if you are not going through the Support Collection Unit you can just do it. But if you go through the Support Collection Unit you must take your agreement (both of you) to court and change it in court. Your payments should be according to your income.

    Your not the main caregiver if you only have them from 4-7 and two days a week. You have to remember there are 24 hours in a day.

  6. You need to file for joint custody, if you've had this schedule for a year or even 6 months, the judge will be in a position to give it to you.

    Good luck, you're getting robbed by your ex who is out spending your 1400 everyday from 4-7.

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