
I'm in Year 12 and i am planning to move to America to continue study after i finish my A levels, plz help

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i am doing my AS's at the moment, and hope to move to america after my A levels have finished. I have an american green card which states that i am classed as a permanent resident and not an international student.

1) Do American universities / colleges accept UK A levels?

2) I hope to do a dental course at university. But i was told i would have to sit my Bachelors' before. HOw long would that takeand where would i do it.

3) What other requirements are there for american universites, i.e. is it just bachelors or is it SATS as well.

4) basically what will i have to do / which exam will i take in order to get into an american uni.

cheers thanks for reading my mess, hope it makes sense. plz could u help.




  1. Good god why would you want to study in an American'll probably get shot before you graduate

  2. Ok, you will have to get your bachelor's degree before going on to dentistry school.  That will take probably 4-5 years depending on how hard you work.  If you are going to have to work - permanent residents can work - you will take at least 4 I would say.  If you could take 5-6 classes a semester (only if you can devote all of your time and effort to studies) you could do it in 3-4.  You can get a bachelor's degree at any American University, but you need to ask the admissions people what degree to go for to be pre-dentistry.  I would bet it will be a science bachelors - biology or something like that.

    Any university you apply for will look at all of your records and testing and should be able to translate that into our system's equivilant and tell you what you need or what they will accept.  Honestly, it's not too hard to get into college and they will be able to help you figure it all out.  Call the admissions department wherever you want to study and go over it with them.  I doubt you will have to take any exams - maybe some competency exams in english and math when you get there to know where to place you for your basic classes.

    As far as where to go?  The first thing I would do is decide where you want to live - chose 3 or 4 universities you think you might like (for example: do you want to live near the ocean, the mountains, etc.) then look online and see what their costs are - they usually estimate living costs for living on campus.  And see what you can do.  For example: California is a great place to live and go to school, but it is much more expensive to live there than, say in Utah or Colorado.  (which are both great places to live as well).

    Good luck!

  3. I really don't know. You can find out by calling the college you would like to apply to.  You have a great chance getting into college though just because you are a foreigner.  The colleges love having foreigners. Plus you'll be paying more most likely.

  4. i want to see what other people put becuase im thinking of moving to america when im old enough, maybe 18 or 19.

    so thanks for asking that questioon for me. Lol.

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