
I'm in a bit of a bind....?

by  |  earlier

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Tomorrow and Friday, I have field hockey practice, except I don't know how to get there because my mom works those days, and can't drive me. Carpool isn't really an option, and my dad works a couple towns away. Any ideas anyone can think of? I'd really appreciate it.

Note: ahh, I didn't know what category to place this in, haha.





    hahaha.. just saying what i think all the guys would be saying now.. sigh to bad you're scottys!!

    umm.. well.. i could always have philip come pick you up.. and take you.. hahaha..

  2. You can always walk there, it looks like you need to lose a couple of pounds.  jk You can always fly with me in the sky, Fall3n Se7en.

  3. errm, the bus?


  4. lol. ask one of your friends to give you a ride =p

    I hope you have friends 17 who can drive... or just ask for a ride from one of your hockey teammates

  5. Bus, subway, taxi, and my favorite, BIKING!!!

    Do you skateboard?

  6. got a bicycle That might work

  7. Yeah, what Caroline said...this is Swimboy's territory now.  Besides, Ohio is way closer to MA than Cali.  He should be spotting you a ride.  It's his responsibility now.

  8. Well, if asking a friend isn't an option, try a relative. Barring that, you'll just have to tell your couch. Maybe your couch will pick you up. :) (I've had a couch do that)

  9. LOL, you are too funny.......

    field hockey on a honeymoon...........

  10. ok look in your phonebook for transportation.  we have a service here called CARR (city and rural rides) and they can get you a ride every day to and from if you give them a schedule. so check it out and see what you can find! :D

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