
I'm in a fantasy hockey head to head league with about 12-people. Anybody have any drafting tips?

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I'm in a fantasy hockey head to head league with about 12-people. Anybody have any drafting tips?




  1. Get good players who play on Offensive teams. IE, the Sedins aren't any good for fantasy except for depth picks.

    Some guys like Gaborik are so high powered it doesn't matter what team they're on- and may be changing teams (rumor is he's told them he won't resign).

  2. Try to get some good people is a great tip! *ryan miller as a goalie* and ovchkin and crosby =D

  3. when drafting, don't just focus on the big numbers (goals, assists, wins). You have to consider each and every category when drafting.

    Take Mike Ribeiro of Dallas. Sure 27 goals and 56 assists would make him a pretty good top 5 fantasy forward for your team, at first glance. When you look closer at his 2008 stats, you see just 7 power play goals just 18 minutes of ice time, and just over 100 shots on goal. (Ovechkin had 446, just to put it in perspective)

    There are three different basic strategies to drafting.

    first is to go for all-round player all the way through. guys that don't put up huge numbers, but  above average in all categories. This way you have a shot at a win in each category

    another would be to pick guys who succeed in different categories. Pick a few goal scorers, a few passers, maybe a good for penalty minutes, etc. This will accomplish the same task as the first strategy

    the final one is a little more risky. you can focus on just some of the categories. If there are 10, focus on 6 or so, assure yourself a win in those categories each week. Who knows, some weeks you may get lucky and win 7 or 8.

    good luck

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