
I'm in a fight with a friend!! help me!!??

by  |  earlier

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So on friday at school we were talking at lunch about he ex! I asked her if she really loved him... (i was just wondering) and she said yes.. (I kinda looked at her like are you sure? Because like 2 days after they said it to each other they broke up!) She blew up on me and said something that REALLY hurt me.... and idk what to do..... i mean we are always getting in fights but i don't think i should apologize no actually i REFUSE to apologize! But i mean what do you think of this.... We are only 13.... and yes i cried the rest of the day... i just don't know weather i should be her friend if she asks or not... shes kinda a b*itch!!! so what do you think (sorry if its confusing!!!




  1. well melissa, i know exactly what happened! hahaha

    me and reagan used to get in a lot of fights in like 3rd grade (they were extremely stupid fights...but still)

    she really did hurt you didn't she?

    you were really sad in band.

    i dont get the part that she said to you in lunch cause its like one of those times when you can't exactly get what the other person is feeling unless it actually happens to you.

    but now thinking about it while writing this, i can see why you were so hurt.


    i think you should talk it out.

    after what she said to you in science i think you should ask her what you supposedly said to hurt her instead of the other way around.

    but i also think that you and brooke have been through a lot and that you know too much about each other to let each other go.

    as much as reagan and her "groupies" p**s me off, i think part of me would be gone if her and i stopped being friends.....

    so yea talk it out  

  2. mkayy i'm 13 too.

    my best friend and i get into a bunch of fights too.

    thiss girl really seems to feel kinda hurt about your question.

    maybee she's just sadd cuz they broke up.

    i mean i don't know the storyy. butt when i ask my friends that question they seem to get quite.

    i wouldn't apologize.

    just talk to her about it. sayy you were just wondering because you guys brokee up.

    hopee thatt helps (:

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