
I'm in a mood for a sad, romantic drama..any recommendations??

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i feel like sobbing-crying tonight...any movies that you know that would get the job done???

yes, i've already seen The Notebook!!


A walk to Remember

The lake house


P.s I love u.

Brokeback mountain

i'm looking for a great movie with great it doesn't have to be recent...but i'm not looking for ancient movies either...maybe between 90's and now.





  1. Finding Neverland.  It won't disappoint.

    Also, Moulin Rouge, in case you've seen FN.

  2. Buffalo 66 is my favorite movie. Sort of crazy but I find that romantic. I didn't cry but its one of those movies that makes you want more. Also Before Sun Rise and Before Sun Set are my favorite romance movies.

  3. run away bride

  4. i got the perfect movie.... august rush... its got love story, drama, and u'll cry.... its an amazing movie.... i cried andthen i had to buy it after i rented it....

  5. Tristan and Isolde was a pretty good movie.

  6. Definitely Maybe was a good movie I bet you'd enjoy it.

    Here's a link to the imdb about it.

  7. I would recommend:

    Sliding Doors

    Untamed Heart

  8. for sad i would watch alpha dog and for romantic i would watch titanic

  9. Gone with the Wind or Jane Eyre.

  10. Reign over me. It's not romantic, but I cried so hard!

    The Shawshank Redemption, again..not romantic. But I still cried.

    The Life Before Her Eyes, and again..not romantic. i cried though and uma thurmans in it! :)

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, that one is my favorite romance movie. I don't know if you'll cry, but its worth watching anyway.

    I read your details so here's an edit,

    Jeni, Juno is supposed to be a romantic comedy. I haven't seen it but my sister really liked it. It's korean, should have subtitles though.

    Wristcutters: A love story. If you haven't seen it already, it's not an emo movie. It's good.

    Steel Magnolias

    City Of Angels

    Lost In Translation.

  11. Steel Magnolis

    The Wedding Date

    Run Away Bride

    Something To Talk About

    The Wedding Planner

    Only Love

    8 Secords- The Lane Frost Movie

    An Affair To Remember

    All That Heaven Allows

    Magnifcent Obsession

    Sleepless In Seattle

    Cupid & Cate

    How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days

    Angel Eyes

    Dirty Danceing


    Brain's Song

    Love Story

    My Gril

    Old Yellow



    Gone With The Wind


    Anne Of Green Gables

    The Rocky Movies

    Over The Top

    Black Dog

  12. Fine Things (based on Danielle Steel's book)  

  13. How about Under The Tuscan Sun or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? Those are a few of my favorites!

  14. my life (as stated above)


    sweet november

    untamed heart

    indecent proposal


    fire with fire

    steel magnolias

    dying young

    here on earth

  15. The Bunker

  16. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

  17. English Patient

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