
I'm in a sticky situation...?

by  |  earlier

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So i've been with my man for 4 years and we've always had to deal with his hoodrat ex calling every so often, trying to get back with him, threatening to rip the fetus out of my stomach if i ever got pregnant by him, you know, a real gem of a girl. anyways, she disappeared for about 2 years, had a child out of wedlock with a male stripper, and now she has been calling again! she even sends her corny pictures to his phone and it ANNOYS me. well, last year, i made a fake myspace with his full name to see who requests him (i had my reasons lol) i barely use it, but i just signed onto his today out of boredom and the BYTCH requested him! now, i'm torn, i'm wondering if i should contact her from my page so she can see who i am and talk S**t, but i don't want that to open a whole can of worms like her calling off the hook or even telling him about the myspace cuz he doesn't know i made one for him lol i don't know what to do! i wanna curse her out and be like hey bytch it's been 5 years, get over it, but how do you think she will react? should i just leave it alone, i wanna say something sooo bad. what do you think the outcome would be?




  1. How does she still have his number, he should have it changed if he doesn't then he must have given it to her, and if thats the case your better off without him. I wouldn't stoop to her level by saying anything. If you are happy then thats punishment enough for her.

  2. Well....I find it alot easier if you have a fake email acct. to contact them. Thats what I ahve done I keep them in check from afar. I have a female that won't leave my man alone sinc ethey had a ffair awhile back long story. I say accept the w***e do what you got to do for your relationship. If it somes upi from him play stupid and be like ya know she has issues,,,

  3. If you don't answer, and she sees the 'last signed on date' is after her request, she will think he chose not to answer.  She's going to find a way to find out why he didn't respond.

    I would tell you to take the high road, but I think it's a little late for that.

    You should keep yourself out of it now, and let it play out.  You will only be digging a bigger hole.

  4. okay well you need to delete the myspace,because your Bf will find out and get mad at you if you don't..and about the ex well talk to your Bf and ask him if he will change his number and not talk to that girl.

  5. i think you should delete the myspace account and come clean with your BF. you should probably ask him if it's possible to change his cell phone number, and if there is a reason why he hasn't. other than that, it's been 5 years...get over it.  

  6. In my view something's kept her interested for a very long time indeed. I'd really have to ask myself if I wanted this aggravation in my life,and did I deserve better? I

  7. Dear just turn away cause she sounds like a loose cannon and you never know what people will do.We are living in the end times so the devil is causing people to do wicked things ! I will pray for your safety.

  8. That is an awkward situation. As much as Id like to tell ya to lay the smack down on her, its best u dont. Leave the Myspace alone. Dont worry bout it. HE needs to get a new number ASAP! If you respond, that will most likely make it worse. Put it to ya like this: What happens when u actually let the bully know that they get to u? They keep ist up,only more of it. I would leave it alone. Although, after 5 yrs, she knows his number? Maybe hes kinda contacting her? Hope not, but its a possibility.

  9. Drop it.  Let it go.  Maybe if you don't pay any attention to her, she will give up.

  10. Be the bigger woman.....for 4 long years you've been with this man.  He hasn't left you and gone back with this woman, he doesn't contact her and he doesn't want to.  If you go behind his back and contact her that is going to show him you are insecure and perhaps even a a bit "crazy".  Be a lady and just shut down the MySpace page and let it go. are probably going to have to tell him about it because she is going to start calling him and asking him about the MySpace page and why he wouldn't accept him as a friend and the whole nine yards and a lot of drama will ensue.  Honesty is always the best policy.  Tell him that it ANNOYS you when she sends the CORNY pictures and that you were "out of sheer boredom" doing it just to see what would happen.  Tell him you are truly sorry and that you are ashamed and it isn't something you would usually do but the shizzle had just been too much for you.  Apologize, give him a kiss and a hug and promise him it won't happen again.  You have to "appear" to be the more mature and "bigger" one of the two of you.  He loves you and has never given you a reason to question anything.  Good luck!!!

    Peace & Love  :)

  11. tell the ***** to go away or you'll get a restraining order

  12. Just forget about her. Reacting to the things she does will only make it worse and then it will be partially your fault if something bad does happen. Let her make a fool out of herself without any help. Looks like she's pretty good at it........

  13. That's an easy one.  Since you're pretending to be him already, just send her a mail from the account you set up as him, and tell her (as him) that you always thought she was a S****y hoodrat and want nothing to do with her ever again, so go away.  

  14. Here's my take on this situation....first of all it's not your responsibility to stop her from calling. Your man should tell her to stop calling or change his number so she can't call him.

    As for the My-space account, close it right away it will bring you nothing but pain in the end.

    The most important thing is for you to talk to your man and tell him exactly what you are feeling.  

  15. Email on his/your myspace and tell her "stop calling me, and my girl, or i'll get a restraining order against you!!!!, It's been over for 4 years!!! I don't want anything to do with you anymore, you psycho BlTCH!!!!"

    I think she'll get the point, very mean, but she obviously won't take no for an answer so you have to do something drastic

  16. So, you've been with your man for 4 years and his psycho ex is still in the picture???

    Girl, you need to put your foot down.  This is your man's problem.  Grow some balls and tell him that he needs to tell her to get out of his life.  Tell him how she makes you feel.  Tell him how threatened you feel by her.  Tell him that there's no reason for her to still be calling him.  Tell him that you want him to tell her to stop calling.  Go buy your man a new phone and change the number.  Now, if she "somehow" gets this new number, then your man is playing you.  

    Seriously, it's your boyfriend's baggage, let him do away with it.  If he's hesitant, then he might have his reasons for wanting her in his life...this is where you tell him that there isn't enough room in your heart for him and his "baggage".

    Seriously, get rid of that myspace page.  It's going to backfire and things will really suck for you.  

  17. that bytch sounds pretty krazy... I would recommend you leave it alone unless matters get out of control then you would have to do something about it..... also I wouldn't like my gurl doing things behind my back so i would also recommend you not pretend to be him.  

    well good luck.... :)

  18. I wouldn't contact her and I would drop the the whole myspace account. I understand that she is a weirdo, but by doing the myspace it's playing into her games! It's important that you and your man have honesty and trust, without those things you won't make anyway... or at least not happily. Concentrate on each other and forget about her.

  19. telephone harassment is against the law. if she starts callin all the time again id press charges.

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