
I'm in an honors class, should I switch out?

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It's already the first week, and I feel overwhelmed.

We have this essay coming up, and my teacher is making it sound like it has to be PERFECT.

I don't know if I should stay and see how the essay goes, or transfer out now to a regular class.

The teacher says its fine, whatever I choose.

But I am really confused.

And if I feel this overwhelmed already, it's only going to get worse, in my opinion.

I just want some advice to help me with my decision.

What would you do in my situation? What do you think I should do?




  1. Honestly I was in a situation like your's, i had to choose if i wanted to stay in BioChemistry or drop it, and i truly hated it, but it wasnt all bad all the time, and if your nervous over a little essay it's normal, i still freak out whenever i write an essay for school too, no matter how many times. you should just calm yourself and analyze your topic, write down some ideas, and write a rough draft, then a final draft, and if you love writing you should always want it to be your best--Good Luck

  2. i think you should give the class another chance.. wait another couple weeks and if its that bad talk to your guidence counsler an let her know its wayy to difficult for you. go with the essay just try your best. thats what school is for - to help you learn and help you do better on the essays. school is there to help you

  3. If it were me, I wouldn't switch out. Don't worry about it. The teachers who act like everything has to be perfect, usually are just trying to psych you out. Just try your best on the essay and don't stress.  

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