
I'm in charter school, am I missing out ?

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I'm in charter school, which is pretty much where I do all my work at home and only twice a week I go to this office place to turn it in and take a test on it, one hour each time. This is my school and has been for the last couple of years now and will be for the rest of my high school life. I'm currently 14 and in 10th grade. With this charter school program I could graduate allot faster then in normal school.


I was wondering though am I missing out on allot of great experience I could have had if I went to highschool. Right now I don't really have any close friends. There is a P.E. program in the school ( twice a week for about 2 hours), right after I take my homework test thingy. and I attend it and speak with allot of girls around my age, but thats about it for friends. I also started taking some college classes and speak with people there but its not much.

Am I missing out allot from normal highschool. What is normal highschool like ?




  1. depends if ur a good social person that can make friends easy and care about how you look, if so then your missing out on high school which is the most fun ever! but if u dont care wat others think and such then thats also fine cuz ur going to grow up rich and happy

  2. NO NO NO! I am an education major and charter schools have way more opportunities for students.  You are NOT missing out, take advantage of everything!

  3. You're definitely not missing out on anything as far as education but when it comes to a social life, yeah you might be.  I left high school after 9th grade to go into a similar program, but i returned to high school for senior year.  High school, at least my high school, was about everything except the classes. nobody went, we all still graduated, it was about the football games, the parties, the beach, goofing off, and s******g around, everything imaginable except the classes (which were boring beyond belief)   I regret leaving for those 2 years, i still feel like i missed out on a lot, even though everyone i know says i didn't.

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